Chapter 1: Best summer ever...

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Stiana's POV:
It has been a week since we last saw our families...we had only come back from our camping trip the week before and we were still trying to figure out what was going on. There were so many of...them, out there and we just wanted to find out what was going on. Were our families safe...were we safe? We didn't know, but for you to understand we would have to go back to the start...

2 weeks earlier(still Stiana's POV)

I was in bed bored, it was almost summer holidays and I didn't know what to do for summer. BING, someone one had texted me. It was one of my friends, Ashlee. I quickly went to reply.

Ashy:Hey Sti, got anything planned for Summer holidays?

Me:No...not yet. Why u ask?

Ashy:Well I was wondering if u wanted to go on a camping trip with me and a couple other friends?

Me:I'll have to ask my mum...will any adults be their and which friends?

Ashy:No adults and the friends r Kai, Marley, Feya, Carter, Jason and Tayla.


Ashy:Yes seriously. She found out about the camping trip and blackmailed me so she's coming.

Me: 1. U can't let her keep doing that! 2. What did she blackmail u about now? 3. How did she find out and 4. Just stop being friends with her!We all hate her anyway!

Ashy:I know I shouldn't let her do that and she said she'd show everyone the picture. Also she overheard me talking about the camping trip to Marley and I can't just stop being friends with her! U know that!

Me: Ur just to kind aren't u?

Ashy: Yea, guess so.

Me: Well I'll go ask my mum about the camping trip, see u tommorow! Byee!


Once we finished chatting I went to ask mum about the camping trip. "Hey mum! I was just wondering if I could spend the summer hanging out with friends?...
"I've already heard about the trip and you can go. You've been so good helping me with your siblings and around the house so you can go."
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I said jumping up and down then going to hug my mum. I hugged her and she hugged back.
I then went to tell Ashlee that I'd be going on the camping trip. This was going to be the best summer ever I thought not knowing just what would happen while we were away...


Sorry this chapter is so short guys! I've been real busy and have school tomorrow. I may or may not update tomorrow but when I do the chapter will be longer and that a promise! Byee!
-Stiana(the author).

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