After Spencer retakes his position on the bed beside Devyn, Emily settles down as well, and the four pass around light conversation until there's a knock on the door. "Hey," A head of dirty blonde hair slowly moves into the room, its owner offering a sheepish smile. "Sorry to just pop in." He says and enters when Devyn waves for him too, revealing the flowers in his hands.

"Hey, Mason," Devyn greets after swallowing.

"Clare picked them out," He motions to the flowers while setting them next to the others. "She and the twins say hey and wish you well soon."

"Tell them I said thank you," Devyn smiles, relaxing against Spencer's side. "I should thank you, as well. Heard you helped save my life."

"Eh," Mason shrugs with mock bashfulness before turning more serious. He glances at the others in the room, his eye briefly landing on Devyn's covered stomach before his eyes fall to the floor. "I'm glad you're doing okay."

"Yeah," Devyn whispers.

"Well, if you need anything..." He trails off and Devyn nods her thanks at the offer. "I'll get out of your hair, bye Dev, Spencer."

"I didn't think he'd remember me," Spencer mumbles after the man leaves and Devyn snorts.

"I talk about you a lot," She admits and Spencer smiles. He's had an engagement ring burning a hole in his bag for way to long, yet he still gets flustered when the woman he plans on proposing to compliments him or says something like she just did.

Spencer's stomach flips that the thought of proposing. Nothing's changed, he still wants to marry Devyn but...with everything that's just happened, he's not so sure now is a good time. He hadn't really had a plan in the first place but he was building up to it soon. But now he thinks soon isn't the best idea.

"Hey," Devyn's voice pulls him from his thoughts and he blinks down at her. "Where'd you go?"

"Nowhere," He shakes his head, his lips pulling back into a smile before he leans forward, pressing them against Devyn's in a short kiss.

"We're going to head out," Spencer only notices when JJ speaks that both women have stood and collected their things. "We'll see you guys later." She hugs Devyn and kisses her cheek before moving to Spencer, allowing Emily room to do the same.

"Thanks for coming," Devyn mumbles, waiting until they're out of the room before slumping further into the bed.


"Mm-hmm," She hums while rubbing her eyes. She shifts on the bed, trying to get more comfortable and winces, hand flying to her stomach.

"Hey, slow," Spencer warns and helps her lie down more, her head settling on his chest. "If you want something stronger-"

"No," Devyn shakes her head, cutting him off. "No, I'm fine. Promise."

"Okay," Spencer doesn't argue. Instead he runs his fingers through Devyn's hair until she finally manages to fall asleep.


When Devyn wakes, it's with a jolt. Spencer immediately moves to soothe her, his eyes watching the heart rate monitor where he can see hers rising. "Shh," He whispers into her ear, rocking them both back in forth.

His eyes close when Devyn lets out a quiet sob. It breaks his heart to hear her cry, but even more so because Devyn's not a crier. Out of the entire time he's known her, he's rarely seen her cry. So he knows it's bad when she does.

Spencer finds his own eyes watering at some points but he blinks the tears away.

When Devyn stops crying, neither of them speak. She keeps her head buried in Spencer's shirt until finally shifting in order to take a deep breath.

"What are those?" She questions quietly, her eyes narrowing at the new bouquet of flowers.

"I don't know," Spencer mumbles, his own eyebrows furrowing. He hadn't thought much about it, honestly. "A nurse brought them in, said they were left at the nursing station. There's no note or anything."

"I don't want them," Devyn chokes out and forces herself into a sitting position. "I don't-get them out."

"Okay, okay," Spencer nods and jumps up from the bed. He hesitates to leave Devyn's side but he shakes his head and grabs the flowers before disappearing from the room. "There," He says when he returns but Devyn's shoulders are still tense.

"I want to leave, I want to go home," She tells him, voice shaking.

"Dev, you just-" Spencer cuts himself off and sigh, climbing back onto the bed with her. "You just had major surgery, the doctor wants you to stay a couple more days."

"I fine, wanna-" Devyn forces herself to take a deep breath and exhale slowly. "He knows I'm here. How does he know I'm here?"

"I don't know," Spencer shakes his head. He wishes he had the answer she wants, needs, but for one of the first times in his life, Spencer has no idea what to say. "I don't know. But your father won't come near you. Not while I'm here and I'm not leaving you, I promise."

Sniffing, Devyn bites her lower lip when it starts to wobble. "Why'd this happen? Why- I don't understand," Hot, salty tears fall down her cheeks but Spencer wipes them away just as quickly as they come. "I don't-" A sob cuts Devyn off and she rocks forward despite the pain in her stomach.

Arms wrap around her, Spencer's warmth seeping into her cold skin. With her face tucked securely into his neck, Spencer doesn't bother stopping his tears from falling this time.


1. AWWWWWWWW! Spencer is the best!
2. Devyn, understandably, still isn't feeling well at all. And I don't mean physically. But yeah, that too.
3. Oop- those flowers at the end there?
4. I said it before, I'll say it again. Emotions.

Thanks for reading! Thoughts, theories, and your reactions are always welcomed in the reviews! And to all those silent readers out there, I appreciate you just as much! I'm just sucker for validation. 



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