Chapter 14

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Katrina sat in a helicopter going over the story sea. Her friends and guards all rode in inside. Wanda, Scott and Clint were in the back then it was Katrina and Sam were in the middle with their guards in front watching. Katrina had Power- quenching cuffs on and she was glaring out the window.

"Alpha team your cleared for landing." came a crackly voice.

Then she watched as a circular concrete and building came from the sea. After a minute of circling the top opened and the lowered down into a large landing pad. The top closed behind the top closed behind them. Then a squad of more men came forwards. The door was open and she and here friends were wrenched out. As soon as they were out they were marched through halls full of doors. Each one had a key pad and car scanners. All were heavy metal. They went down multiple sets of stairs. The only noise was their feet on the metal stairs as they headed down. After about three minutes they were taken into a room and given uniforms. It was a grey long sleeve and light blue short sleeves and long pants. They were told to dress which was slightly uncomfortable even though she was with her team. She hated showing her scars all over her body. When she was dressed her and Wanda were yanked away from their friends.

So she fought back. So did Wanda. She tried to get free. She saw her friends fighting back to yelling their names. Then the door closed and she was shoved forward and marched away. They went down one more floor. It had two cells. Katrina was pulled into a blue straight jacket. It was strapped tight. Then her cuffs were pulled off. Before she could even think of her powers new ones were pulled on. These were thick and slid onto her hands incasing them like tunnels. She felt four needles stab into her skin and she winced. Then a collar was pulled on and three needles stabbed into her skin. They locked it then she heard it beep.

She saw Wanda had the same treatment. The hand tubes (cuffs? Hmmm) were chained together then her feet were placed into hand cuffs. Se was then dragged into a cell. All in had was a a bed. The door was a huge metal and glass one. Mainly glass with metal sides and bottom with bars on the outside of the glass window. She also had a stool. As soon as the door closed and ceild the room got colder. Not to bad but still, cold. She saw Wanda being put in a cells. Kate pounded on the glass and screamed for her.

"Let me out!" Katrina yelled. Then cold serum worse than she had ever felt went through her body and she froze. She then toppled with a scream of pain. Her legs wiggled and spasmed then her world went black. The last thing she saw was the ceiling and the last thing she heard was Wada's voice yelling her name.

 The last thing she saw was the ceiling and the last thing she heard was Wada's voice yelling her name

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Its the tubes on her hands. Imagine no flames. Also not  Captain marvel.

 Also not  Captain marvel

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