Chapter 13

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Katrina woke slowly. She was covered in water which wasn't the warmest. She also hurt. escpeccially her head. It was throbbing. She opened her eys slowly to see she was in an abandoned warehouse. Well mostly abandoned. She saw Bucky. he was in a cahir near by. he was held in place. his metal arm was in a clamp. he was slumped forward his eyes still closed. Katrina groaned then tried to stand. She couldn't. She was chained to a pillar.

"What the hell?" She though then she heard Sam.

"Yo! Cap, she's awake!" Then Sam and Cap came into view.

"What happened? Why does my feel like it got slammed into a glass window? And got punched and stabbed all at once?" She moaned squinting.

"First, is this our Katrina or the black orders Katrina?" Steve snapped.

"What happned? I am your Katrina. Me." katrina was confused. The her body stiffened.

Memories of her fight swelled before her and she cried out in apin.

"No! Not agian. I'm going to kill the mother fucking bastard!" She growled.

"Calm down Katrina." Sam cooed. "What happened in that cell?" He asked while Steve watched.

"He said the activation frazes. He said "Soldat, iz v poryadok. YA prikazyvayu tebe. Srazhaysya i ubivay.Razbitoye steklo, Zheleznyy kulak. Chernyy Orden zovet tebya. Otchet o pochvakh, k vashey komande.  Regel des Schwarzen Ordens!" She whimpered.

"Which means?" Sam asked 

"Soilder, of the Order I command thee. Fight and kill. Broken glass, Iron First. The Black Order calls thee. Soilder report, to your command. Rule of the black order!" She translated.

"So it activates you?"

"Yes. It wakes our training. Our need of orders. We are mindless drones. it made me want to hurt. To listen. when I was accepted my orders all he had to do was say Reliz! I replied with Drat'sya! It means relase and fight.  The  you do your orders. to the letter." She shuddered.

Then Steve unchained her.

"So whatr you did, was all because you were under the Black Orders control?" Steve asked.

She nodded.

"Alrigh then."

"Wait, how many did I kill?" She asked looking down

"Thrity-two." Steve said looking puzzled "You don't remember?"

"It will come back to me soon. In peices." She sighed. "Who else did I hurt?"

"You fought Nat and Tony. Also Steve."

"Did I- did I hurt them?" She whispered

"You probably left brusises on Nat and knocked tony out. Maybe broke a bone. Other then that they are fine." Steve reassured her.

Katrina sank  to the floor and sighed. Then Bucky groaned and they rushed over.


After Bucky had woken and he had given the men information they huddle together off to the side as she and Bucky side by side heads down going through their own trauma.

"This would have been a lot easier a week ago." Sam stated.

"If we call Tony..."

No, he won't believe us." Sam inturrupted.

"Even if he did..."

"Who knows if the Accords would let him help." Sam finished his sentence

Steve gave a sigh "We're on our own."

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