Chapter 11

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As soon as Katrinas plane reached the Kate she was out and Webbing her way up the building. A man Saw her and she webbed his mouth shut before she got to the roof. She raced across it moving swifty.

"Jarvis how long till the Accords signing?" She asked her bracelet as she shot over a open air walk way.

"Thirty minutes."

"Shit! Okay get me the fastest route there." she said as she went around a door that was for the roof.

"There is a black Bugatti Divo heading towards the south corner of the building. They are heading to the Accords."

"Alright. Whoe's driving?" She asked as she changed course.

"Natasha Romanoff."

"great." She muttered as she reached the edge of the building. She spotted the car within a second as it sped down the road. She shot a web at it just as it passed catching onto it.  She launched off the roof. She pulled herself on landing with an almost inaudible thud on the roof. She instantly flattened herself sticking her hands and toes to the roof. Her gloves and feet stuck.

The wind blew through her outfit as they drove swerving and dodging other cars.


Nat parked the car in a spot in a underground parking garage. Katrina moved up going to jump for the ceiling but stopped when Natasha got out and spun pointing a pistol at her.

"Who the hell are you?" She snapped.

"Oh, you goign to shoot me Natasha?" She asked ina deadly voice.

"Go ahead. The rest of the team won't mind. especially Tony."

"Katrina." Nat breathed dropping her gun slowly then putting it in her concelled holster.

"Hello. Thanks, for the ride. Now I must find Steve and Sam before the Accords start. And no I am not sigining those damn documents. But I won't intefrere. Have fun."

Then Katrina used her webs to sling out of the car garage and into the sunny and beautiful city of Vienna. She went to a small cafe across fromt the law building. As she landed she let her clothes shimmer then morph into modern day clothes.

 As she landed she let her clothes shimmer then morph into modern day clothes

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She chose one of the many outfits built in which took her awhile to preferct. She walked in calm and enjoying the warm sunlight streaming through the windows as she sat at a table.

"May I help you?" A woman asked.

"Yes. Can I have a green tea please. Mix or strawberry in it with a mint leaf." She asked with a smile.

"Of course!" the woman said.

"I'll be outside." Katrina said before getting up and heading out  the door. She sat and got comfortable. She watched the building which was surrounded by reporters and peoples that were with the Accords. Also security.

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