Chapter 5- The newbie?

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Katrina put the gun in her waist band, flip the man on the ground then stalked out shoving past the four stunned adults.

"You all coming or what?" She yelled over her shoulder as she marched through the empty halls.

"I like this kid." Stark said to Steve as they walked after the kid.

"You know I can hear you right?" Kate said turning around to look at them. Wanda and Natasha were the fastest

Natasha caught up and steered ehr to the elevator.

"So when can i go she asked as everyone piled in.

"Um. Well the team wants to talk to you." Wanda said turning to look at her.

"Less time for me to run. Got it." she said with a nod.

When they exited she was surprised to see she was in a large living room. A kitchen and bar could be seen and she could see two double doors that led to a dinning room.

"Come sit!" A man sitting on the couch yelled. He had blonde hair and was fiddling with a bow.

She followed the others over but stayed standing in view of the couches seeming to be unthreatining. "I prefer to stand." She said with a shurg.

"So kid why don't you introduce yourself." Tony said sweeping his hand at the people she didn't already know. There were only three. One was the blonde who had the bow, one was a boy with white blonde hair his fingers twitching. The last was a man in full armor that looked old. 

"Katrina Ivanova Richard- Hellis. Daughter of Elizabeth Hellis and Ivan Richard. Adoptive daughter of Jonathan and Rebecca Wells." She said with another shurg.

"So Black Orders prodigy." The bow man said.

"Nope Mr. Bow Man. I am the down fall of the Black Order and I'm going to be the death of my mother who has it fucking coming." She grinned when she said it. She twitched ehr fingers and fire darted across them.

"Also a wielder of fire. I also have super sences. Like your heart rate. Your is 178 beats per minute." She said pointing to Tony.

He just blinked at her and tapped a watch on his wrist. He blinked in surprise and looked at her in surprise.

"Well, I'm Clint Barton. Not Mr. Bow man." He said standing.

"Thor son of Odin, God of Thunder." The man in armor said with a smile.

"And I'm your new boyfriend." Said the white blonde man with a teasing smile.

"Sorry bud, but I'm a lesbian. Nice try. Your Wanda's brother right? Pietro Maximoff.  AK.A Quicksilver." She said raising her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Oo. I like this one." he said standing in a flash.

"Pietro don't make me slap you upside the head." Natasha muttered.

"If you can catch me." He teased.

"Bet I can." Katrina said looking at him.

"Oo. How much we betting?" Tony asked instantly stepping forward.

Pietro looked interesting stepping forward too.

"Twenty bucks. whoever catches him first wins."

"Lets make it two hundred." Tony remarked.

"Do it outside. Lets not ruin the new furniture." Clint groaned though he was smiling at this show.

Kate nodded and followed them to the elevator. They went down to the Third floor.

"So Tony what are the other floors for? She asked as they rode.

"Tenth is game room and movie room. ninth is my floor, eighth is half the teams rooms. seventh too. sixth is the main room. Fourth is detention center and lab. Third is gym and the others are the rooms for meetings and stark industries that's not at the tower with Pepper."

"Pepper is your girlfriend, right?" Katrina asked as they stepped out into the hallway with everyone else.

"Yep." Was all he answered. They went into a huge gym. It had a pool, boxing ring, weights and full gym equipemet. A gun range through doors she could see and a locker room for the team.

"Nice.' Was all she said as they walked out another door and descended the three stair levels to a huge lawn. It had a track around it.

"Okay. We can cathc him with any means we think of. No help from the rest of the team. No drawing blood and no weapons if we end up fighting." Katrina said.

Tony nodded. Pietro got ready with a smile evident on his face.

"Whoes ref?" Natasha asked watching them.

"Clint. he seems to be the adult of the group." Kate said with a shrug. Clint smiled as the team rolled their eyes including Steve. She felt Steve would be biase.

"Alright. On your MArks!" Clint yelled.

Peitro got ready getting into a running stance.

"Set! Go!" Clint yelled. Peitro was off in a blur. Tony clicked his arc reacto his suit growing over him. Kate closed her eys. When she opened them they were blue.

"See you later old man!" She hissed then shot off for the center of the feild. She was fast easily getting their where she stopped and closed her eyes. He senses instantly went into over drive. She could feel everything around the field. Tony was trying to chase Pietro which resulted in him hitting a tree. Then Pietro got cocky. He got really close to Kate. She felt him. Saw his path seeing what he was going to do. It was like slow motion. She spun and launched her self at him. he arms wrapped around his torso her super strength kicking in. She then plated her feet digging them in. As Pietro slowed she used his momentum against him. She released her hold on the ground and he toppled forward with her landing on his back.

Tony came flying over. He landed and his suit retracted.

"How the hell did you do that?" He panted looking at her sitting on Pietro who gave groan.

"Ass hole." He muttered his accent coming through strongly.

" I did it because of my hieghtened sences." She said patting Tony on the chest once.

"You owe me two hundred bucks." she said with a smile as she headed back over to the group a smile evident on her face.

"Holy shit!" Clint running up to her. Katrina laughed at his reaction.

Thor was roaring with laughter and Nat was clapping while walking over chuckling. Wanda was the first to collide with her grabbing her up and bouncing while laughing.

"You caught him! What the hell!" She laughed. Katrina laughed with her her eyes shinning as the rest of the group walked over. Some gave her pats while others hugged her and Wanda. No one seemed to care that she wasn't one of them. A messed up person. but she didn't care. She was happy and felt wanted. She couldn't help but feel comfortable in their presence.

*This is what it was like but less people and the avengers*

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*This is what it was like but less people and the avengers*

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