Chapter 4- What now?

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The door of the cell opened. Agent Romanoff was still holding ehr rocking back and forth though she had stopped crying. It felt soothing.

"What kind of interegation is this?" A man growled

Katrina looked at the man. He was tall, wore an all black outfit including a black trench coat.

'this isn't an interegation anymore. Once she is calmed down she is allowed out. She gave e=me all I need. all charges will be dropped. I already cleared it with Stark." Agent Romanoff snapped.

"You work for me." The man snapped. 

"No I don't Fury. Or do I have to show you the paperwork again?" She said. She stood pulling Katrina up.

"Now get out of the way so I can take her with me to talk with Stark."

"I thought charges were cleared?" Fury sneered not moving from in their way. Then she saw a flicker. She knew that flicker.

Then she spotted the gun.

"Oh your dead." Katrina snapped. She shoved Romanoff back and her hands burst into flame. "Sup Carter." She growled. Then the man pulled a face changer off. It was a slightly puggy man that worked for the black order. The gun had given him away. He drew it and Romanoff who was on the ground from how hard she had shoved her watched it.

 He drew it and Romanoff who was on the ground from how hard she had shoved her watched it

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*The bird is a wolf with BO on it instead*

"What gave me away?" He asked with a sneer

"Your face concealler. A hacker notices electronics in the room. Now I suggest you get your ass out before I burn your face off." She snarled as the fire on her arms and hands got bigger and her eyes got brighter.

"Your mother misses you. So I'm taking you to her." He growled "I leave no witnesses behind either." 

He then pulled the trigger. The bullet was aimed at Agent Romanoff. Her fire grew white hot and made a wall in front of her. The bullet melted.

His face froze as he saw this he looked at Katrina who gave him a wicked grin. The fire rejoined her body. He arms glowed as the flames licked them. Not burning her of coarse.

"You just pissed me off." She hissed walking towards him slowly.

"Shit!" He squeaked backing away in the small cell.

"Your dead." She hissed then lunged. She took the fire away and began to beat him up. He was was strong fighter yes but not even close to her. She was nimble and strong fluid in her motions and being able to guess the next attack. He was slow and fat and not the best at fighting. She had him on the ground cover in bruises and his own blood with five minutes. Her hand caught fire as she held it above his face.

"As I said your dead." She placed her hand on his face and he screamed. She hated the noise but moved her hands so she cover the side of his face with fire. Then she estguishe it when Romanoff grabbed her from behind yanking her away. The fire on his face stopped. It was cover in a a large black burn.

"What the hell!" Agent Romanoff yelled.

"I said I melt his face." She grumbled crossing her arms.

"Who even is he!" She yelled.

"is he Hy-"

"Oh he's not Hydra. He is a solider of my mothers. A soldier or the Black Order."

"Long rule the Black Order." He hissed in pain.

Romanoff stared at her when she glared.

"Then her eyes glazed over when she looked at him. She remember her training being forced to utter those words if she was dying or she was about to kill someone.

"Oh no you don't you mother fucker!" She snarled.

Her hand lit on fire stopping the bullet he shot at her the the fire hit his hand and he dropped the gun. She raced forward. She dove over him grabbing it and landed, her kneeling as she spun and pointed it at him.

Then a man entered with two others. One was Wando the other was Steve.

"Drop the gun kid!" Steve ordered.

She didn't keeping it on the man before her as she slowly stood glaring at him.

"Then she saw com in his ear she grabbed it and he yelped she put it in her own ear.

"Karter? Ty kopiruyesh'?" A woman growled in Russian (Carter? Do you copy?)

"Privet mama. U menya yest' dlya tebya odno." She growled into the mic. (Hello mother. I have one thing for you.)

"Detah zum Orden!" She growled in german with malice thick in her voice. (Death to the Order!)

She then ripped the com out and crushed it in her hand.

"Natasha what di she say?" Wanda asked staring at the gaping Natasha.

"She said Hello mother. I have one thing for you. Death to the Order." she breathed staring at Kate as she looked in discussed at the man on the ground.

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