"My mum- biological mum- disappeared after I was bitten. Lyall, my dad, always said she left because she didn't care about a- uh- a monster like me. I sort of believed this but I also didn't. I kind of thought that maybe she was attacked too but since she's a muggle didn't survive it as their bodies can't handle it as well as a wizard's can. But that's what he told me so I left it at that."

Remus sucked in a shaky breath. It felt weird opening up so much, especially in one sitting. Sirius used the hand that Remus wasn't playing with to rub soothing circles on his back, letting him continue at his own pace.

"Lyall remarried when I was six, almost a year after the attack. I suspect he was cheating on Mum while they were still together. The woman moved in immediately after the wedding. I had a nice bedroom that I decorated with my Mum, but she kicked me out and used it to put all her storage items. Then they remodeled an extra bathroom, a small space with peeling wallpaper and hideous photos of flowers, which became my bedroom, sort of."

Sirius POV

I felt an overwhelming sense of rage for the people that Remmy lives with. How could they treat such a beautiful human being that way?

"There was a-a cellar under the house that I went for my transformations. It was h-horrible down there. Even when it wasn't a full moon, I had to stay there because my step-mother, Cassaundra, always had guests over and they stayed in my 'room'."

"She always had s-silver on or nearby to press to me or t-throw at me. Lyall always had a silver knife in his pocket." Remus sniffed and rolled up his jumper sleeve, presenting what I guessed was his most recent burn. I blinked back tears, looking up at my strong boy.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips ever so gently to his, letting the kiss linger for a few moments. We slowly pulled away. I rested my forehead against his.

"I'll get you out of there, baby. And I'm sure Prongs and Wormtail will help too. We're The Marauders, we can do anything."

Remus smiled a little. "I don't doubt it, you managed to become animagi when it's highly dangerous, illegal, and difficult. But that's not what I mean. I- my mother's- real mother's- maiden name was Howell." 

Sirius blinked, the realization crossing his face and his mouth forming an 'o'. "So...You think that Embry Howell and Romulus Howell are your brother and sister?"

Remus didn't do anything to confirm this, but Sirius already knew. He could see the longing for family affection written across his sad expression. Sirius pulled Remus closer to him. Remus sighed with both comfort and- well pain. He buried his face in Sirius' t-shirt and Sirius threaded his fingers soothingly through his fluffy tawny hair. 

"I wanna talk to them," Remus spoke up after a few moments of silence. "I wanna know if my mother is still alive. I remember her. She made amazing breakfast foods but never cared much about dinner and usually made my dad cook. She was always doing things the muggle way no matter what. Magic amazed her but she never let dad put up the ornaments on the Christmas tree because she likes to let me put them on the tree.

I know that dad's liking for her went down over the years. Mum noticed it too. He became more distant and never was home. I was too young to understand what it meant, but I could hear Mum crying at night."

Sirius kept quiet and let Remus speak softly into the silent common room. Remus never liked to talk about himself and it was always very hard to get him to open up about something, especially when he was sad.

"I'll talk to the twins tomorrow," Remus decided, looking up at his boyfriend. Sirius smiled and leaned down to kiss his addictive lips passionately.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

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