Give Me A Cuddle 🧡

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Summary: I don't really know tbh. Remus and Sirius cuddle and come out??

Year: Sixth

Words: 2,261

**Also, small Remmy here. As much as I love tall skinny lanky Remus he's cute and tiny here :)


It was a few days after the full moon that thankfully decided to come the day after Sirius' birthday and not on it. As always, James, Sirius, and Peter joined him.

The next morning was a cluster of chaos. Some small pudgy boy named Nathan Bellostern got whacked by the whomping willow early that morning. When Madam Pomfrey came down to collect Remus she found him passed out by the base of the tree with harsh red lines lining his stomach.

So Remus had to wait in the shack longer than usual while Madam Pomfrey took the boy back to the school.

Of course, Sirius being Sirius refused to leave him. James and Peter went to go find McGonagall and left the two of them alone.

As soon as the two boys left Sirius guided Remus' head to his lap and gently carded his fingers through his sweaty tawny hair, leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead. Remus whimpered in pain. Last night must have been bad, though he couldn't clearly remember it. He couldn't feel that any part of his body that wasn't in pain.

Sirius' heart ached to see the boy he loved more than life itself in so much pain. Last night they went to leave the shack as they usually did but this time Remus tried to escape for Hogsmeade and almost succeeded so there was a lot of tackling and nipping to get him back into the shack.

 "I'm so sorry, Moons," Sirius murmured sadly. Remus tried to shake his head but winced painfully. "N-not your fa-ult," the weak boy croaked out.

It was a few minutes before James and Peter came back, Sirius spending the time comforting his boy and whispering sweet nothings. James and Peter didn't think much of Remus' head in Sirius' lap, obviously more concerned about his wellbeing.

McGonagall on the other hand knew- Minnie always knows- but didn't say anything and instead tutted. "I'm sorry Mr. Lupin. I told Poppy to leave the boy to me but of course, we all know Poppy, she wants to help everyone."

Remus had his eyes squeezed shut to keep from whimpering again as she cast a few mending spells to at least get him to the hospital wing and let Poppy handle it from there. Remus clutched Sirius' hand tightly but the long-haired boy didn't mind at all, rubbing his thumb soothingly over his bruised knuckles.

Remus panted, enjoying the freedom of being able to breathe without the action causing a shit ton of pain.


Sirius held Remus' hand as the boy slept. He eagerly wanted to cuddle with him but his fear of hurting the fragile boy held him back.

James leaned against the wall, a good distance away from Sirius. Sirius was mega protective of Remus and it was even worse when it was Moon Recovery. One time Peter came into the common room with bunny ears, whiskers, and huge white feet that were stuck together so he was hopping. It was severely horrifying and James hoped to never be on the receiving end of one.

Everyone knew that Remus and Sirius had something special. Sirius and James of course were always together and pulling pranks that'll most likely get them killed one day but Sirius and Remus were different. Sirius is hella protective- we've covered that most who mess with him have a chance of not seeing daylight for at least three days, maybe six if it's right after the moon- but they always comforted each other. When it came to comforting James wasn't the best on how to get a boy to stop crying or calm down. He was a natural when it came to girls, but the other sex wasn't his strong suit. Remus often had breakdowns or nightmares at night back to when he still lived with his abusive father but Sirius was always there to calm him down. When Sirius would get nasty howlers from his mother or have a fight with Regulus- who he was getting quite close to now- Remus knew exactly how to comfort him.

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