"That will work, and if the Wind Kingdom needs to expand in the future, they can go north."

"I will tell them to go ahead and keep in mind what else you said." he bowed and left

I decided to go to the courtyard for fresh air. There in the middle of it all was a pond filled with waterlilies.  

I walked on the bridge that went right over it and took in the scenery around me.

This place has a calming aura to it, it helps with my aching chest some days.

Somedays I wonder if I should go back to her, or even go see her just see how she is.

But then I remember her words and become disappointed in myself for thinking such thoughts. 

I have to stick to my words of never returning, but I want to badly.

The need I have for her is so strong and there is nothing I can do to ease the hurt.

You would think I would just move on but for some damn reason I can not no matter how hard I try.

I look at someone else and only think of her.

The fact that there could have been something haunts me because it is what I want more than anything, but the stars are not here for us. 


I am scared.

I have not left the swings. 

I am afraid that when I do there is no going back.

What will he do?  What will he think?  What if he hates m-

No. Y/N you deserve it. 

After everything I said when he told me he loved me.

I do not deserve him.

But I can not help it, he made me feel things I have never felt before.

I truly love him.

And I will not hold back anymore, I will fix us.

I got off the swing and took one last look around me.

It was currently 12:07 pm and I was going back, back to him.

I never forgot how to make a portal; in fact, I practiced just to see what was on the other side, just to feel closer to him.

I made a portal with my mind, deciding on ending up in a hallway.

I walked into the portal and once both feet landed on the other side the portal closed.

I took my first step and continued down the hallway.

After I reached the end of the hallway, I could see the foyer leading to the Throne room. 

I walked into the foyer still out of view from anyone who was inside, but when a servant walked out from behind a corner, her mouth dropped.

I quickly went over to her to make sure she would not scream. 

"Shhh, do not draw any attention, I do not want anyone knowing yet."

"You-your...you're Miss Y/n..."

"Yes...you probably think badly of me.....do not you?"

"We know not of what has happened.."

"I see... well where is he then?" she pointed towards the Throne room

"Thank you very much." I bowed and hid by the nearest wall

The Devil King (KTH)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin