Chapter two "New People"

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I might as well open the door to be nice. Jade said. She opened it. Hi, I'm Carly Shay, your new right? A girl with brown hair and brown eyes smiled. "Uh...Yes, Hi, I'm Jade, Jade said. It's a pleasure meeting you, we usually don't welcome new people but...I decided too. Nice. Now leave me alone. I said. Carly, don't bother people that don't want to be bothers and-JADE? The boy said in shock. FREDDIE? FREDDIE AS IN SAM'S EX BOYFRIEND? I said in shock. What are you talking about? Carly asked. Some girl named Cat called me and asked me to come to L.A, she said Sam got run over by a sports car and I should go there fast, but it was just a lie and she just used me to make her jealous. Oh, yeah, I remember. I laughed thinking of the memory. Cat only did that because she was jealous that Sam was hanging out with me. So...what brings you to Seattle?'s tough to explain, My father got a new job here and I wanted to move with him, And...I dropped out of Hollywood arts. Why did you? Carly gasped. My boyfriend Beck cheated on me and I was tired of going to school. Beck is that hot boyfriend everyone talked about right? Carly asked. Freddie and I gave her huge eye rolls. Hey, isn't Sam supposed to do Icarly since your back? I asked. Sam's in LA now with Cat and I don't think she wants to come back after she found out me and Carly kissed. I feel like a horrible friend. Carly said. Wait...we're you and Sam dating when you and Carly kissed? I asked. No, we broke up like, weeks before that, Freddie said. Oh...To think Beck kissed a girl that could have been my friend. Forget about Beck, how would you like to do Icarly? Carly asked. I'm not sure...I don't want to do anything silly, or anything with rainbows or laughing, I said strongly. Oh.......ok then....I guess your not like Sam. Carly said. Oh, I'm way better than Sam. I laughed. The Carly chick is super nice, she's kinda like cat, but not dumb, and with a mix of Tori, but not stupid. GAH-I should shut up about Tori, after all, that whore kissed my boyfriend. Come see my apartment! Carly said grabbing my arm. I saw it. It was filled with so many toys, like a toy shop. My father and mother never really took me to stores as a child, it was pretty tough growing up. You have many...things in here. Oh, that's just cause my brother spencer is an artist. Carly giggled. Where is spencer? Freddie asked. He must be at the groovy smoothie or something. Carly replied. Oh ok, I'll be upstairs getting my computer set up. Freddie said heading upstairs. Carly got some grapes and lemonade and we sat down on her couch. So...tell me about yourself Jade! Carly pipped. Ah...well nothing much is going on right now, back when I was in Hollywood, I always wanted to become an actor with Beck when I was dated him, I even...thought of having a family with him because when I was a parents got a divorce and I had problems with my father, and my mother was always tired and stressed out. father works in the navy, as for my mother...she passed away when I was really little, Carly said with glassy eyes. I hugged Carly, it's not like me but...Carly is a really sweet girl, even if I don't really like talking to new people. So...are you and Freddie dating? I asked her. Oh, no. Carly blushed. We did kissed before I left but now...he doesn't talk about it at all, it's meant nothing to him. I hate to break it to you, but when he went to LA, he and Sam when on a date or something after he feel in a bunch of tuna. I said drinking from my glass of lemonade. Yeah, he and Sam always used to fight but now...they seem to love eachother, he actually used to be in love with me but I was rejected him, I soon gained feelings for him but never told him, and when he and Sam began dated...I wanted to be a good friend and help them out, Carly said. So...aren't you gonna tell him you like him? I asked her. Oh, no, he must be over me now, and...he must love Sam. Carly said looking like she wanted to cry. I was about to say something when Freddie came downstairs and said: CARLY! Come check out this funny video! He laughed. Did you hear anything, I said with my fist out., I don't listen to girls business. He said. Good, I smirked. We should plan what Jade can do on Icarly, Carly said. Yeah, why don't we plan something? Freddie said. It better not be-WE KNOW! Both people said. I wonder what they were planning, I hope Tori doesn't watch Icarly.                                           (A/N: Hello! Sorry this took so long, I was very busy with school. I ship Creddie a bit so yeah. They'll be creddie in this book and maybe some seddie. I know Jade doesn't really act like this but...she's grown up a bit and she's more mature, Thanks for reading this book and stay safe during COVID, have a nice day!)

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