+ 29 : Taking risks +

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"Open up, asshole!" (Y/n) angrily knocked on the door to Scaramouche's apartment. The navy haired male refused to let her in while he continued taking his nap on the sofa.

"Let me in!" The girl continued, growing frustrated. "I'm really going to go grab a chainsaw!"

"I'd like to see you even try lifting it." Scaramouche responded. It took him a while, but he soon figured out there's no getting a peaceful nap when someone is abusing your door. There was no telling what a mouthful he'd get if the landlord were to see the door looking like it escaped to join a boxing match.

Scaramouche got up and opened the door ever so hesitantly, greeted by (Y/n) who luckily didn't hold a chainsaw but instead a long stick.

"You shouldn't be talking like I'm weak when you're not much yourself." She gripped the long stick in one hand and was tapping it against the cold ground.

"Yeah yeah, get in already." Blue eyes stared at it's surroundings while loathing each moment. Just why did she have to come see him?

(Y/n) entered, placing the stick down against the wall before examinging the awfully plain apartment. It wasn't a mess but it wasn't particularly tidy. There was a large pillow on the sofa as well as a blanket. A glass on the counter, a plate in the sink that hasn't been washed yet, a few slightly dusty areas.

"Stop staring at all my stuff like that maybe?" Scaramouche felt sourness In his throat. "State why you came here and be on your way. If it wasn't for the mouthy landlord I wouldn't have even let you in."

"I... Want you to help me bring Childe back." She cringed having to say the word 'help.'

"Me? Help you? And for that? Hah....bahahahhahaha!" Scaramouche grinned criminally before he started laughing. "Sweetheart you aren't that dumb right? You'd have a better chance asking an ant to help you."

(Y/n) bit her lip. "Just what will it take for you to help me? You're the only one who knows Childe enough to deal with this situation!"

"Shut up!"

"Scaramouche I'll do anything!"

"Just why would you even bother with a boy that left you in the dark!" Scaramouche gripped (Y/n)'s collar and pulled her close to him. "I don't give a damn about your feelings, and I don't want to hear the name of that creature."

"Childe sure made a horrible decision deciding to help you." She returned the same face of disgust he was giving her. "Anyway, I'm not leaving until you help me."

"Stubborn brat."

"Have fun putting up with me."

Scaramouche clicked his tongue and let go of her collar, moving to take a seat on the sofa.

"This is even more troublesome than if I let you two be."

"Yeah? Glad you noticed." (Y/n) took the liberty of doing what she wanted in Scaramouche's house and went to get a glass of water herself, taking one of the glasses that was already dry and left on the dishes' drying rack.

"I loved a girl that much once."

"That's hard to believe."

"She was my girlfriend, but Childe stole her from me."

"Maybe because you're always grumpy." (Y/n) calmly sat beside Scaramouche.

"He played with the hearts of girls like a guitar, breaking the strings. Did that to my girlfriend and she was chasing after him just like you are now. And I was chasing after her the same way.

I wonder what you, my ex girlfriend and all those other girls liked about Childe. His dick?"

"What the hell dude."

Scaramouche paused and took a deep breath. "I can't be too sure but it does look like Childe has changed. And if it'll save me from having to deal with your naive and stubborn nature, fine."

"You'll help?" (Y/n)'s expression lit up.

"Yeah, I'll help." He brushed his fingertips against the ends of his navy hair. "I know just how to make Childe come running back. I believe it would be very interesting to see how he'd react."

"Mind telling me about the plan?"


"Huh." (Y/n) looked at Scaramouche, dumbfounded.

"I need you to strip. And... I think I have chains somewhere in one of my boxes let me go find them-"

"Will you first explain why you're making me strip and why you're looking for chains?!"

"I'll tie you up like that, take a photo and send it to Childe."

"That's a little... Risky." (Y/n) felt hesitant.

"You don't trust me?"


"Scaramouche this is really shameful." (Y/n) had removed her top and was hiding her body behind it. "M-maybe use a different plan? That doesn't include me having to do anything like this."

"Who's the girl that said she'd do anything?" Scaramouche looked irritated while he grabbed the girl's wrists and binded her down with the chains he retrieved from his storage boxes. She wanted to question why he had those in the first place. "And if you think I'm enjoying what I'm doing right now, you've been very mistaken."

"Yeah yeah." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. She felt chilly from the cool air brushing against her bare skin. She further wanted to question Scaramouche after he pulled out a blindfold, covering her eyes with it. What kind of kinky relationship did he and his ex have?

"Alright, I'm going to take the photo now so make an expression like you're in pain or being threatened, an angry look would be fine too."

"I'm not that great at acting."

"Think of how Childe left you without saying anything."

"That dumbass!"

"Exactly." Scaramouche held back a moment of genuine laughter and grabbed his phone before getting on top of her to take the photo. "So what do you plan to do when Childe returns?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I might go learn martial arts before he gets back so when he returns I can hit him and make it worth it."

"You're violent."

"Says the boy who keeps chains and blindfolds in storage. Anyway just take the damn photo this isn't very comfy."

Scaramouche didn't hesitate to smile warmly while (Y/n) couldn't see his face. It's been a very long time since he's been able to talk to someone like this, besides the position they were in  now. But he felt like he and (Y/n) could become good friends.

He finally clicked on the camera of his phone and steadied it to get a nice shot to send to Childe and make the carrot head enraged.

Just as the photo was taken, the door swung open and Zhongli stood eyes wide at the two on the sofa. "I guess I... Got the address right."

"Zhongli's voice... Is that Zhongli's voice?" (Y/n) panicked and started struggling in the chains. "This isn't what it looks like I promise!"

"In the first place why did you enter my apartment without knocking or ringing the doorbell!" Scaramouche facepalmed.

"I've been knocking for the past five minutes. I'm sorry for the intrusion however, I'll just take my leave now."

"I said this isn't what it looks like!" (Y/n) repeated.

+ taking risks +

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