+ 20 : Rich daddy +

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    Late mention of this,
(y/n) is 17 in the story, I haven't given Childe a definite range but he's 1-2 years older. Also (Y/n) does turn 18 later on in the book.


"Mother..." (Y/n) trembled under the presence of the woman who gave her life.

"The pancakes were delicious. Did you make them?" The lady entered the apartment, briefly looking around.

(Y/n) was in too much shock to respond. She did expect what's to come but she didn't want to accept the possibility.

"Hun you don't have to worry, I've just came here to have a chat with you."


Her mom promptly took a seat on the sofa ahead while holding back feelings of pent up sorrow. "Me and your dad- or possibly just me... Thought that you wouldn't take what your father said to heart."

"What do you mean by that mom?" The girl took her seat on the sofa at a safe distance. "I'm pretty sure dad would keep his word and beat my ass if I didn't take off."

"Yeah, but I was hoping you'd come back. Instead I find out you drop out of school to work at a café."

"I needed the money." (Y/n) turned her face away to hide the foul look. "How'd you even find out about where I work."

"(Y/n), You got a job and you're still a few months away from being legal. The adults have to watch on kids."

"Watch on kids? You kick me out and have people watch me?"

(Y/n)'s mom sighed heavily. "I'm not here to argue, I'm just here to talk."

"Just talk? You aren't going to force me to quit my job? Return home?"

"Just talk."

"Fine." (Y/n) still doubted the 'just talk.' Thinking her mom still had stuff up her sleeve. After all she discovered where her daughter was working. "What did you want to talk about?"

"How are you doing? How's work?"

(Y/n) bit her lip. If anyone were to mention work or the café she'd immediately think of all the good times and friends she's made. And Childe. Mostly Childe. "Work is fine. I'm doing okay."

"Yeah? I see you've got the new console too. Did you make all the money to buy it from your job?" Her mom noticed the box of the ps5 on the table. The girl silently cursed herself for not putting the box away after it's been left there for ages, she also wondered whether to tell her mom the truth or not. But no good will come from lying.

"It was... From a friend! A really nice friend."

"A friend bought you a ps5?" The woman had a surprised look on her face. "You must have a rich friend."

"Err yeah, really rich."

Before their conversation carried on, (y/n)'s phone started to ring and her eyes widened in horror. "Perfect timing, absolutely perfect timing."

Both her and her mom stared at the ringing phone on the table. When the call happened, the screen opened and displayed who was calling by their nickname.

"Rich... Daddy?" (Y/n)'s mom blinked a few times. "(Y/n), who is this?"

"Mom! Aha it's just a friend and well he has a funny nickname I mean she-"


"I meant to say she! She likes being called daddy and she's the rich friend that got me the ps5!" The panicking female rushed to her phone and declined the call, which moments after the 'rich daddy' called once again. "She's persistent! Ahahaha..."

"Why not answer it? I'd love to get to know my daughter's new friend." Her mom grimaced. She couldn't tell if her mom was trying to tease her or if it was the face of plotting a man's death.

"Alright..." (Y/n) took a deep breath and answered the phone."

"Sweetheart!" Childe said happily. "We got off on a bad not earlier and I felt like I needed to make it right."


"Mom this is a complete misunderstanding please don't jump to conclusions." Panic worsened for the girl. Her heart felt like it would leap out of her chest. Her spirit wanted to part.

"Mom?" Childe questioned. "I should probably introduce myself."

"Oh no..." (Y/n) put the phone on the table while the call was still going and hid her face in her hands.

"Hello (y/n)'s mom! I'm your daughter's fiancee, call me Childe."

"Fiancee?!" Both females gasped.

"Childe do you want to get us killed?" (Y/n) felt like jumping out of the window. Anything to get out of the current situation.

"(Y/n)?! At least wait till you're 18?"

"Mom no we aren't engaged... What?" She turned to her mom, who didn't seem angry. Just shocked. "Why aren't you mad?"

"You want me to be mad?"

"Aren't you supposed to be mad?"

"There's no ring on your finger hun. Anyway let me see his face, he better be cute." Her mother ordered.

(Y/n) handed over her phone, unsure about what to feel. Childe turned his camera on and greeted the mother of his 'sweetheart' with a cheerful look. "Do I pass?" He asks.

"Oh I remember you! I saw you at the café. One of the waiters I suppose?"

"That's me! The most attractive one."

"This is embarrassing." (Y/n) groaned.

"My daughter has a good eye for men, like me. Nonetheless I'll leave her to you. Take good care of her alright?"

"I'll treat her like a queen."

"Mom, you're giving him your approval just like that?"

"We'll save it for your dad to give him a hard time." (Y/n)'s mom chuckled. Childe felt mildly threatened by that, but more or less was happy he didn't have a hard time with the girl's mom. "If you don't mind, Childe, I'll have to cut this chat short since there are still things I need to discuss with (y/n)." (Y/n)'s mom ended the call the moment after.

"You didn't even spare me a second to say goodbye to him?"

"I need to leave soon or your dad will get skeptical with where I went. I just told him I was going to pay the electricity bills."


"Listen, hun. Your dad doesn't know about you working at the café, dropping out of school and he'll probably lose it if he finds out you got a boyfriend. He might even get charged for murder if he saw what I did. Rich daddy."

"Are you trying to make me feel like my life is on the line mom?"

"No, I just want you to be careful. Your dad just can't seem to get over everything that happened, and doesn't even want to speak about you. Anyway I'll come visit you some other time. Take care and don't be a pain to your boyfriend." (Y/n)'s mom got up and gave her daughter a quick hug before rushing out the door.

Only then the girl realized maybe she did miss the feeling of having her parents around to support her.

"I probably should've put more effort into my studies."

+ rich daddy +

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