3:00am (57,600 Seconds Remaining)

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   "Maxwell, what the hell are you doing?!" Kelly yelled, as I had to turn around yet again in another random parking lot. It had been two hours since I figured out where Macy was hiding, but for some reason, I couldn't find the field where they held the County Fair. I knew it was somewhere in this area, Greenfield, Massachusetts, but I couldn't seem to get my bearings. We had basically just been driving around aimlessly since we arrived. In my defense, I have never driven here on my own before. My Mother always drove and I was just along for the ride. I had tried repeatedly to look up the directions on MapQuest, but I didn't know the address, plus I couldn't get a signal. 

   Fuck you iPhone. 4G data, my ass. 

   Another reason why Kelly could be so distressed was because we hadn't recieved another video from Macy in the past two hours. The videos had just... stopped. It was a little alarming. I was however, trying to remain calm... Unlike some people. 

   "I'm sorry!," I yelled back at her, not really giving a rats' ass if I was rude or not. She was definitely not helping the current situation. "I told you, I have never driven here by myself before! Or at night, for that matter! My Mom and I always came during the day! It's much easier to see during the day!"

   "Well, call your Mom and ask her for directions!" Kelly ordered. What was she, a moron?

   "Oh, yeah, sure! That will go over well. I can picture it now. "Hey, Mom, it's me. Um, I know it's 3am and you're worried sick about me and you've called my cell six times in the past hour wondering where I am but um, do you think you could forward me the directions to the field where they host the Franklin County Fair? Because Macy is on a suicide mission and I think that's where she went to kill herself." Oh yeah, my Mother would be totally okay with that. It wouldn't freak her out at all."

   "This is so not a good time for your sarcasm, wise guy," Kelly retorted, glaring at me. "We need to find that field. We're already behind."

   "We are not behind," I said, looking down at the time on the dashboard. "It's only 3:12am. We've still got like another, sixteen hours to find her. She said we had until 7:00pm."

   "Well, what if you're wrong? What if that's not where she is? You had better be sure about this County Fair thing, Max, because if she isn't there, we have no more clues to figure out where she is. Not to mention, if you're wrong, we will be out of time."

   "She's there," I said, looking up and down all the different side streets as I drove, trying to see if any of them looked familiar. Where the hell was I? None of these streets looked familiar, and it seemed the farther I drove, the more confused I became. 

   "How do you know?" Kelly asked, another question that was only further pissing me off.

   "I just do, alright? God, Kelly, just shut up for like, two minutes, would you? I'm trying to figure out where the hell we are."

   "In the middle of nowhere, that's where. I haven't seen a single restaurant or Dunkin' Donuts in at least a half an hour. I think you may have driven us into the boon-docks."

   "Is caffine all you think about?" I asked, irritated, just as I felt a little jump from underneath my seat. 

   "What was that?" Kelly asked, looking at me, her eyes wide as the car began to bob up and down as it decreased speed. 

   I managed to turn the car off to the side before it stopped completely. I looked up at the gas gauge, realizing that I hadn't once thought to stop for gas. I didn't think I had to, I always made sure my tank was full. I probably would have had enough gas to get there, to get to Macy... If I hadn't been driving around aimlessly for the past two hours, lost out of my mind. 

   Next to me, Kelly began laughing hysterically, like this was somehow funny. I turned to look at her as she held her hand up to her mouth, trying to hold it in. 

   "You think this is funny?" I asked, incrediously. How could she be laughing at a time like this? Didn't she know we were totally screwed?

   Kelly laughed even harder, it was all just too much. "Are you fucking serious, Maxwell?" Kelly said, looking at me through her now teary eyes. "You go on this big rescue mission to find Macy before she yes, kills herself, and you don't even think to stop for gas?"

   "The tank was full when I left the house. I didn't think I needed to. And as I do recall, you were here in this car with me the entire time, and you didn't think to stop either," I tried not to sound like I was pinning the blame on her. I knew it was majorally my fault. I was the one driving. I should have noticed how low we were on gas. 

   "Oh yeah, sure, blame me," Kelly said, as she wiped the tears from her eyes and reached behind her, grabbing her bag and sweatshirt from the backseat. 

   "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to process. I had reached my limit with this whole thing. I had no idea what to do anymore.

   "I'm getting my stuff," Kelly said, as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head and shoved her notebook and a few other random things back into her bag, before she opened up her door and started getting out. "We can't just sit here. I'm assuming you can't call Triple A because this car is in your Mom's name, so she will most likely need to be here when they show up, or at least be notified, which you don't want. And like I said, I haven't seen a restaurant or a Dunkin' in at least half an hour, let alone a gas station. So, as I can see it, we've got two options. Option number one, we sit in this car, doing nothing as we let our best friend kill herself because she thinks we don't love her. Or option number two, we start walking. You do whatever you want, Maxwell, but I'm not about to just sit here and let Macy die." 

   "I have no intention of giving up on her," I said, as I looked Kelly in the eye. "I will never give up on her... I'm in love with her."

   Finally, there it was. I said it. Maybe not to Macy, but to someone. And saying it finally, after all this time, felt good. Now, I just wanted to say it to Macy. 

   "Oh, so you're finally admitting it?" Kelly asked, smiling at me. 

   "Yes, I am," I said as I smiled back at her, and in spite of everything that was happening right now, I was laughing. "I love her. I love Macy. I love Macy so much it drives me crazy."

   "Now you just have to tell her that," Kelly said, as she touched my shoulder and climbed out of the car, ready to go. 

   Yeah, I thought as I grabbed all of my essentials from the backseat, making sure I only took what I was willing to carry. Who knew how long we would be walking for. I made sure to grab my phone off of the dashboard as well, putting it in my pocket, and then I locked the car. Who knew what kind of neighborhood this was? I wasn't taking any chances. 

   "You coming, Maxwell?" Kelly called from up the street. It looked like she had already started walking, not wasting any time. 

   "One sec!" I called back, as I pulled my phone back out and unlocked the screen, dialing Macy's number. It rang five times before it went to her voicemail. Hey, you've reached Macy. Sorry I missed your call! Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Hope you're having the best day of your life!  Beeeeeeeep.

   "Macy? It's Max. Listen, I know you said you didn't have your phone on you so you probably won't get this, but I'm going to say it anyway," I looked out towards the empty street, wondering where the hell we were, hoping we weren't too far away from where we needed to be. It was finally time. Time to tell Macy everything. Time to tell her I loved her. "Mace, I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you a long, long time ago. And I'm not going to be a chicken shit like I've always been and say it over the phone, alright? I'm going to say it in person." I smiled to myself as I said this, feeling the excitement and thrill fill my entire body. It felt like I was on fire. "So, I am going to find you, Macy. I'm not going to give up on you."

   And then I hung up the phone, put it back into my pocket, and ran after Kelly. I had no idea where we were, or if we were even headed in the right direction, but it was okay. We would figure it out. I know it wasn't looking too good for us right now, but I knew deep down we would find Macy. And when we did finally find her, when I did finally get her in my arms, there was no way in hell I was ever letting her go. 

   Why, you ask? Because I love her. 

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