Chapter 1: Kill the Ideals

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Ben was sitting at home watching TV due to him being bored. There wasn't any Galactic Warlords wanting to kill him, Time traveling versions of himself wanting to erase him, a doppelganger wanting revenge, or people in trouble. He laid in bed with his black T-shirt, blue pants, black and white shoes, with a green gauntlet which had a green and black hourglass on the faceplate attached to his left wrist.

"Why can't something good happen around here???" The brunette responded to himself looking at the gauntlet with the green and black hourglass faceplate known as the Ultimatrix, he stole from his evil doppelganger Albedo who hated his existence.

Ben sighed in annoyance when he felt a tremor. Immediately hopping out of his bed with his Ultimatrix ready for whatever was happening. Then the tremors got even more serious knocking some of his things onto the floor, grabbing his green jacket with a white stripe and the number 10 on the left side. He ran outside his house and saw a red portal open and what looked like a giant monster with 3 heads appear. He smirked knowing what time it was, "IT'S HERO TIME!!!!" Ben yelled his favorite catchphrase, activating his Ultimatrix, and slamming his hand down onto the faceplate.

He turned into a 15 foot tall dinosaur with light-brown skin with the Ultimatrix badge appearing in the middle of his chest, "HUMONGOUSAUR!!" He leaped into the red portal after the monster he saw. Humungousaur landed in a forrest that was unfamiliar to him. He looked around carefully when a giant monster jumped out at him. Humungousaur jumped away from it dodging it's attack. He looked at the monster it had 3 heads attached to one body, with 4 legs and a long giant tail and giant wings folded into its back.

Humungousaur watched as the 3 headed monster charged at him. He grabbed 2 of the monsters head as the middle one bit into his shoulder causing him to yell in pain. Humungousaur trying to ignore the pain held onto the 2 heads and started swinging them around and letting go, sending the giant monster further into the forest. Humungousaur gritted his teeth as he started growing to the height of 65 ft with harden plates forming on his chest and arms. With rocks growing from the top of his head, to his knuckles, from his back all the way to his tail. He charged the monster hearing it roar loudly and seeing its wings unfold. Humungousaur saw the creature flapping it's wings and it started floating off the ground. Knowing he'd be at a disadvantaged quickly grabbed onto it's tail, "YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!" Humungousaur yelled pulling the 3 headed monster back onto the ground, slamming it onto the ground, while launching into the air, and landing onto the monster.

He grabbed the head on the left, stepping on its long neck, he pulled with all his might and tore the head off. The monster roared in pain and pushed the 65 foot dinosaur away clutching its headless neck.

"I don't have time to play with you anymore, so it's time we end this." Humungousaur said, he tapped the badge on his chest and four long metal prongs appeared out of each side in the form of an 'X' and a green light started spreading throughout his body. His skin turned a dark shade of green, his back turned into a black metal turtle shell with bone spikes running down the top of his back and onto his shoulders, his stomach had the bone spikes running across the top of his chest, his arms had these giant silver tubes growing out of his skin, his knuckles had these metal shells on them, but his hands had black claws growing out his fingernails, his tail turned into a wreaking ball with metal spikes on it. His legs had these metal plates on them, his face became a metal helmet with two long black spikes growing out the side of his face with bone spikes growing out the top of the helmet running down his back, the bone spikes were also attached to his metallic helmet, "ULTIMATE HUMUNGOUSAUR!!!!!!!" The evolved Vaxasaurian screamed.

The evolved Vaxasaurian urged the 2 headed monster to come at him and watched the monster charge him. Ultimate Humungousaur lifted up his arm and his hand morphed into a rocket launcher as missiles shot out of them towards the monster. The 2 headed monster got closer to him then immediately turning around his wrecking ball of a tail connected with the monsters body and immediately he tied the 2 heads into a knot before morphing his hand into a rocket launcher and blowing the monsters body to bits, "Good riddance." He replied in a low voice seeing his arm transform back.

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