Childe; Genshin Impact

Start from the beginning

Now Teucer sat in front of you, bowl in lap.

"Okay Teucer well next we have to add a bit more of milk, do you want to add it?"

He vigorously moved his head up and down in a 'yes' motion and excitedly giggled when you gave him half a cup of milk.

Not so gently did he throw the milk into the brownie mixture but it was completely fine.

As you looked around for a tray Teucer looked around as well, when he spotted the vegetable oil that wasn't so far from him he left his place and picked up the oil.

When you look back at Teucer hes throwing vegetable oil into the mixture that already had oil to begin with.

You let out a yelp and he jumped, thankfully letting the oil go without not dropping it.

"Teucer....I dont think we needed that much vegetable oil"

It was only a little bit but the mixture already had some so you just hoped and prayed that the brownies would still taste good and the batter wasn't completely fucked up.

" sorry" Small tears started pooling in his eyes and it made your heart ache.

"No no no Teucer its okay, im sure the brownies will be okay"

And with that his demeanor perked up and he seemed completely fine once you reassured him.

Now you had only needed put the batter in the tray and baked it. So thats exactly what you did.

Thankfully Teucer didn't intrude much while you did this since you didn't want him to get burnt. He just looked at you do it from a safe distance while moving jumping in his seat.

He certainly was very excited.

"Okay, we just have to wait  a bit now Bubba" you say with a smile as you take off your baking glove.

As you walk over to Teucer to pick him up he suddenly looks up at you and asked you something you defenetly werent expecting, "are you my brothers boyfriend?"

You didn't know how to react and you defenetly didn't know how to respond-

I mean, you certainly liked Childe, but you never knew it he liked you back.

You were hoping that with the brownies you were going to make him today you could know, it was Valentines Day after all.

"I...well uhm-"

"Its just, my brother talks about you all the time. You both look at each other exactly like how my parents look at each other"

At this point your face was hot and beet red, you didnt know how to react.

He talks to them about you?

"You made him brownies so...I thought-" at this point he voice got lower and lower, it didn't seem that he liked how quiet you were being.

"Uhm well, not yet Teucer" you say quietly, hoping that 'not yet would mean you and Childe could be more then friends sooner or later.

With that, Teucer seemed like he had stars in his eyes.

"Yay!! You'll be my big brother soon then!"

That made you blush even more, marriage to Childe didnt seem like a bad thing at all to you. Of course, not now, but in the future.

And Teucer seeing you as a big brother and being his brother in law made you so, so happy.

This conversation made you so happy you hadnt even noticed when Childe knocked on your door and walked in, Teucer didn't notice either.

As you look back you get to see Childe and he smiles at you, when he's about to start talking to you Teucer jumps up from behind you.

Childe's smile grows even bigger then before and he looks like he might cry a small bit. Teucer runs up to him and hugs him tight, they must have missed eachother a lot.

Quickly he walks up to you and hugs you as well, Teucer now being sandwiched between the two of you but content as can be.

Childe lets out a small sniffle before letting out a small laugh and giving a kiss on Teucers forehead.

"I missed you Teucer"

"I missed you too big bro!"

And right as Teucer says that, the oven dings, signifying that the brownies were done.

"I uhm...I made you some brownies" you say with a small blush, now nervous that he might reject you right in front of Teucer.

Childe's eyes sparkle just as bright as Teucers does and when they both see how good the brownies look they gasp.

You let out  a small laugh at their mannerisms before giving a small card to Childe.

Teucer stands on his tip toes as he tries to read what's on the card but Childe holds it close. Once he finishes reading it he looks at you with the biggest smile you've ever seen.

The card said many thoughtful things but there was one very important question at the bottom, "will you be my boyfriend?"

He gives you a quick yes before diving in to give you a kiss, small once since Teucer was there but Teucer immediatly gasped and jumped up and down  making the both of you laugh.

[1272 words; feb/15/21]

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