(7) Darkest Times

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*Lynn Sr and Rita we're able to get out of the Timescape and head back to their own time but when they saw their up they were extremely shocked the whole house was engulfed in flames, they were so worried they went inside and saw all sisters on the ground unconscious and My Mii was defeated on the Ground, Whatever Engulfed the house and defeated everyone in that house while they were gone was strong, really strong, there shock could not be any more explainable right now, once I got done with fixing all the episodes i was able to come back to the Loud house the same time Lynn Sr and Rita Came Out, I came in to warn them about the fire but on their faces they already knew, and then I saw everyone in the house defeated, I was also shocked when it came to me that the house was on fire and everyone got hurt*

???: Guys...

*A weird voice started that got all three of our attention, we look to our right to see Lincoln still alive thanks to his metal armor, we were so relieved that he is okay, but at the same time, scared, because we did not who's struck the house, maybe he knew.*

Me: Lincoln, what on Earth, happened here?

Lincoln: It was you, but from an Alternative Universe... you were not the only one that I saw come from the alternate universe, there was Me that wore a tank top, Elvis Style Hair, Sunglasses, Chain Necklace, and A Very Mean Intellect, I also saw Joshua the Mii, but he had long hair and darker skin, had wings on the back, and horns on his head, he even gave me this smile which really creep me out. I did my best to try and stop them but I was too late to defend my sisters, it was horrible!

Rita: Are they Gonna Come Back?

Lincoln: *sigh* I don't Know, Right now... We need to get these 10 Sisters Into A Hospital! Now!

Rita: Understood.

Me: Then We better be prepared cuz something tells me we're facing more than one Universe... and this is just the beginning.

The Loud Of Silence 2: Family Or FoeWhere stories live. Discover now