Grian does an oopsie- The ZIT chase is on

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It was a perfect morning at Tango's base. Impulse woke up to find the smell of coffee in the air. He figured that either Zed or Tango had made it and went back to bed. The brunette got off of the lazy boy chair he had fallen asleep in, letting the two blondes on the couch sleep in. 


 The brunette quickly walked into the kitchen, and took the whole pot back with him. Impulse knew the other two only drank a bit of coffee, and sipped off of his usually. 


   Impulse decided to do one of the only things he could at this very moment. Make breakfast. 

  It wasn't long before Tango had woken up and joined him. He took a long chug of the the pot. 

"This tastes weird." He remarked, setting the pot down. 

Impulse looked back at him from where he was cooking pancakes, raising an eyebrow. 

"It tasted weird to me too, but you have a different coffee maker then I do." Was the brunettes response. 


It wasn't until Impulse had set the table and portioned out breakfast was Zedaph up. The short blonde yawned and stretched as he walked into the room, grabbing the pot of coffee as he took his seat. 

"Good morning!" Impulse said, more energetic then he had been since he woke up. 


 Everyone dug in. Impulse devoured everything quickly, and chugged the rest of the coffee. 

"Someone's full of energy today-" Tango remarked, talking over a yawn.  

  "And your alot more tired then usual tango." Zed said, concern evident in his tone. 


"Have you been getting enough sleep?" He questioned the other blonde." 

Tango nodded. 

"I've slept really good for the past two weeks, guess it's just one of those days." Was the reply Zed got. 

"Stay here and get some rest then!" Impulse said. 


  Impulse's leg was taping against the floor, like a child who had too much energy. The brunette was acting a bit strange for both Zedaph and Tango. 

"You feelin' okay impy?" Tango asked. 

The blonde was worried for one of his partners, having not seen him with this much energy since he joined in season 3. And even then it was under certain circumstances...

"I'm Alright! I've got some stuff to do, seeyouguuslater!" Impulse yelled excitedly throwing on his routes and heading out the door. 

The brunette quickly flew back to his base. His thoughts were running a hundred miles an hour, and they werent stopping. The sensible ZIT member was clearly going to cause havok. It was clear that there wasn't anything that was going to stop him either.

And the bruntette had a genius idea. It all came to the hermit at once. He quickly grabbed some blocks and flew towards the jungle. Impulse, was being impulsive for once.


Now the cause of this, Grian, was just sitting in his base. The cod boy has decided to get back at Tango for spiking his cereal with red bull the other day, so as payback he spiked the coffee. Tango's coffee. 

Mostly Hermit craft Oneshots (Mainly ZiT)Where stories live. Discover now