'Luna what the shuck!'

'Lu get back here!'

'Andrew's are you crazy?'

I blocked out all their words as I waited for the perfect time to make the bullet ricochet so it would shoot three of the guards at a time. That moment came after around two seconds and I didn't hesitate to execute my plan. Luckily for me it worked like a charm so while they were all occupied I ran back to the train and the boys helped me up.

'You're bloody crazy love, but that was hot.' Newt smirked before planting a quick kiss on my dry lips.

'Where the hell are they?' Someone asked but they soon stopped when we heard the aircraft that was now above us.

'Thank the fucking heavens.' I let out a sigh of relief before I refilled my gun just in case.

We saw the hatch open and then a rope come out. The two teenage boys lifted me up by my waist so I could bring it down quicker. Once it was in the hands on Thomas, me and Newt rushed to each corner to gather the straps.

Suddenly we were being lifted into the air by the Berg and when I looked up I saw Brenda and Frypan with the biggest smiles on their faces.

'We did it!'


All of us hugged but I stayed in Vince's embrace for the longest because I couldn't hide the doubt I felt that we might have got the wrong tube. Please don't be wrong.

After around ten minutes of flying, Jorge safely landed us back to our base we've been staying at and Newt went back to his job. It only took around three minutes for the doors to open and we didn't hesitate to barge through them, I was first and the rest followed.

'Aris! Oh my god, are you okay?' I asked when I rushed up to the drained looking boy who sat next to Sonya.

'Yeah, we're fine.' I let go of him so his closer friend Harriet could talk to them.

Me and the others were looking all over and questioning people's well being but I couldn't hide the frown that took over my face at not seeing my brunette and Asian best friends.

'They're not here.' Those words crushed me until I felt like nothing.

After we checked over the people twice we decided to just get the bolt cutters and take them outside into the nice warm air where they could freshen up.

'Come on in guys. Alright listen up, I know you've all been through hell.' I heard Vince say but I couldn't focus on that when I felt a panic attack coming.

I got them more recently as a result of not seeing Aelia, the majority of the time they were silent panic attacks where I had to fight them on my own but it was the opposite today.

I stood with my hands on my temples and my heart rising at an extremely fast pace. I tried to calm my breathing down but I couldn't, I felt like was drowning and there was no way up.

'Hey Lu, what's wrong?' Newt quizzed as he cupped my face and scanned over me. Thomas and Frypan weren't far behind him with worried expressions written all over their faces.

'I . . Can't . . Breathe . .' I managed to say through my pants.

'Okay okay just listen to me. Think about that beach you always went to, think about how being in the sea felt, think about watching the sun set.' The blonde ordered me and I did as he said and I didn't take long for my panic attack to water down.

That hidden beach was my safe space. It made me feel free and that I could do anything or be anyone without consequences. I only had happy memories at that place and that's why it was one of the only things that could calm me down when I was hyperventilating, that and Newt.

𝕋𝕠 𝔹𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕧𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 | Newt3, The Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now