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You call them when in need
The one you shared memorable moments with
Your other family

In frienships, rivals aren't avoided
If the other is famous, you will be a shadow
A shadow that will follow her everywhere
While she receives all the attention she wanted

The shadowed friend was hurt, but continued to follow her famous friend anyway
Because she thought her friend will look back to her
But that's not the case
Fame seem to absorb into her mind
And no longer bothered the shadow

The shadowed friend left her friend and fended for herself
Found new friends who never felt her down
Encouraged her to do what she wants
And they will support her every step of the way

The shadowed girl stepped into the spotlight
Not forgetting the friends who supported her
From the beginning of nothing, and into the start of success

Midnight Thoughts ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن