➷P R O L O G

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Hye! Thanks a lot because you're spending your time on my ridiculous story. But, keep reading, will you? Thanks! :D

Depress? Unhappy?

All you need to do is to look around you. Where everyone love you.

No one love you? You're wrong.

I love you. I really do.

And Allah love you. He test you because He believe in you. That you can go through it smoothly.

My dear, you are the most precious things in this world. Love yourself, please. Do treasure yourself a lot. Because when you love yourself, you're ready to go through a lot of things. At the thought that you have yourself.

Be grateful to yourself. It may hurt in some times, but trust me you gonna find your own light.

Or... You don't need to find a light. Be the light to yourself. Be yourself, and you're gonna be fine.

Haters? Bear in your mind that they don't know you. So what? It's not like you're gonna spend your whole life with the same person.

People come and goes, but you will never leave yourself.

Please, do talk to people close to you. Please, do cry to the one that you trust.
Please, do tell someone that you love.
Please, do speak what you want.
Please, do spread love and not hate.
Please, do give a hint that you're sad.
Please, do tell me if you're alone.
Please, do tell me if you're depress.
Please, do tell me if you need a shoulder.
Please, do tell me if you need an ear.
Please, do tell me if you need my care.
Please, do tell me if you need my words.
Please, do tell me if you need me.

And please....

Be happy because of yourself❤

May you be a little happier and decrease your pain after you read the whole story.

The one who loves you for eternity

'°• Butterfly •°'

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