Horse face is such a dick

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Erens pov

I get up once Levi went out the room to get changed into my normal outfit, as soon as I was changed I walk over to Jean's room. I knock on the door waiting for the horse looking person

"Jean!" I say

"What" he said opening the door

"The prank that's what"

"Oh yeah I'm not doing it I already have Armin to myself" Jean said closing the door in front of my face  well that's off the list then. I sigh and walk back into our bedroom the door opened after a few minutes to reveal Levi looking a bit sad.

"Levs? What's up?" I ask him, no response he just cuddled up to me.

"Erwin" Levi mumbled

"What did he do?" I ask

"Said I couldn't be with you because people got disgusted by us" Levi mumbled sadly

"Well he can go f himself" I say trying not swear since Levi doesn't like 'my little eren swearing'. He just cuddled me more probably agreeing.

"Also eren" Levi piped up


"Stop talking to horse face" Levi simply said and put his head more into my chest.

"Ok" I said blushing from his jealousy

"Levi, when are we going to plan the wedding?" I asked

"Today if you want I'm free" Levi replied I pipe up and look at him in eyes he seemed serious.

"Ok I have a whole fantasy of what I would like ready?" I asked making sure he is prepared for this huge ass list.

"As ready as ever" Levi said

"So I would like to wear a white plain suit and a normal black tie ya know? Anyways so basically I would love it in the fields like just roses I love them. I would like everybody to see me walk down the isle of course only if you want to be that person" I giggle I didn't know who was top in the relationship.

"We could plan some of those I would also like it in a nice peaceful field as well so I can just hold my baby" Levi sweetly whispered into my ear.

"Yeah" I say quietly and relax into his soft touch his pale skin that was soft as snow him in general was just so caring and sweet but he doesn't show it unless he trust you, witch I'm glad he does, in my train of thought I smile throughout the past events that have happened in my life with Levi. Those were the best and sometimes the worst.

Ahhh I'm so sorry for not updating in forever I started to write another book witch I'm attached too idk why just am and I've got a million of things I wanna do sorry again I'll try to update more often.

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