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" It was you all the time Jake. "

" Jay! Taehyung-hyung ! " Jake said as he stood up immediately, shocked.

After that, Taehyung tried to attack Jake and Jake saw Jay was about to go outside to tell the policemen that Jake was the suspect for the whole time.

" And where are you going, Park Jongseong or should I say...Jay ?"

It was Gray. She's wearing a jacket, sunglasses, and a mask as she shot Jay on his head with a gun with a silencer in it.

As Jake was struggling with Taehyung, Gray helped him by also shooting Taehyung at his head.

After she shot Taehyung dead, she also gave Jake a punishment. She went over to him and shot him as it hit his right hand.

" What the hell you just did, Gray ?! "

Then Gray threw a paper at him again.

'That's your punishment. You let your guard down. And now look, what if Jay told everything to the police? It's over. We're dead. Lucky you, I went here on the right time.'

After that, Gray took off the silencer from the gun and made a noise.

The police and students were alarmed as the students panicked and the police went to the place where they heard the disturbing noise.

Jake got Gray's hint so he acted like he's not the suspect while Y/n is in a deep sleep.

The policemen were pointing their guns while getting closer to the place when Jake screamed for help and the police helped them.

" The suspect went here! The suspect shot me at my hand! The suspect also shot my friends! They're dead ! Please help us !!" he said as he acts the victim.

" Do you know who's the suspect ? "

" I don't know...the suspect was really covered so I don't know who is that."

"  Okay, for now my team will help you to go to the ambulance to heal your hand and treat your friend here."

" Thank you ! Thank you ! So much ! "

" Jake...Jake... "

" Y/n ? Y/n ! Finally, you're awake ! I'm so happy that you're safe!" Jake said as he hugged Y/n tightly while crying.

" Jake...what happened ? Did they find the suspect ?"

" Y/n...no. But they attacked us while you were unconscious. He killed Jay and your brother, Taehyung. While he shot me in my hand..."

" Jay...dead ? T-Taehyung...K-Kim...Taehyung ? M-My brother...dead ? My brother...he's dead ? WHO THE FUCK IS THAT PERSON ?! I WILL KILL HIM RIGHT NOW !!! DON'T DARE TO STOP ME !! I WILL KILL THE PERSON WHO KILLED SOOBIN, FELIX, CHAN, JAY, AND MOSTLY MY BROTHER ?! I WON'T LET HIM TAKE YOU FROM ME! HE MUST FACE ME FIRST...HE MUST KILL ME BEFORE HE CAN GET YOU, JAKE--" Y/n said as she grabbed a pointed object but fainted again as Jake catched her.

" Help ! She fainted again ! Help ! "

" Let's bring her to the hospital !! "

After a few minutes, Y/n was brought to a hospital and taking a rest as Jake also consults himself to the doctor to heal his wounded hand.

" Your friend here is fine now. She's just stressed and tired at the same time plus the situation she's in now. For now, she needs a companion and that is you."

" Thanks, doc. How's my hand ?"

" For now, you won't be able to use your right hand here properly. It will be numb and it might ache for some time."

" When you will think my hand will recover? "

" Maybe after 3-4 months...it will recover. Lucky you, it is not that deep or else we would've cut your right hand off."

" Thanks a lot, doc. "

" You're welcome. Excuse me for a while..."

I am very sorry, my love...

Gone Crazy (s.jake)Where stories live. Discover now