The Scouts' Princess (Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

He and Erwin landed at the edge of the forest, along with the other officers who had been observing. Now only ten meters away, Levi was able to get a better look at the cadet that Erwin was so enthralled with. What he saw made his eyebrows shoot up in surprise – and not the good kind.

Most of the female soldiers cut their hair short enough that they could fight without it getting in their face. The ones that didn't threw their hair into a braid or a ponytail, like Hanji. However, this cadet's long hair hadn't been hastily pulled back before training. No, it had been carefully formed into an elegant and elaborate braid, not unlike those that the noblewomen wore. And...around her eyes...was

By the Walls.

"You've got to be kidding me," Levi muttered. "Is this a joke, Erwin? She looks like an effing princess."

"She is quite pretty, isn't she?" Erwin replied, raising one bushy eyebrow in a knowing manner.

Levi scoffed. "That's not what I –"

"Appearances can be deceiving. It doesn't mean that she can't handle herself in tough situations. In fact, she graduated top of her class in the Trainee Corps, and she comes very highly recommended. But I don't need to tell you that. You saw her on the training course, same as I did."

"And she danced around like a fairy," Levi grumbled derisively, shoving down the sense of wonder that had momentarily overcome him at the sight of her graceful maneuvering.

Erwin hummed. "She does things differently, but those differences work for her. Quite like someone else I know," he murmured, gazing sidelong at Levi.

The shorter man sneered. "Well, since you're clearly so enamored with her, why are you just standing around? Go get her, already."

"Oh, I'm not going to get her," Erwin drawled. "I introduced myself and asked her to join our squad this morning."

Levi didn't like the way Erwin said that, didn't like the hint of amusement in his tone. "Then what –" he began.

"Cadet (l/n) is talented," Erwin stated. "But she has the potential to become even better. I'd like her to work alongside you, as a protégée of sorts. You'll be responsible for teaching her what she needs to know, and the two of you will do all of your training together. Given that, you should take this opportunity to introduce yourself – nicely."

Levi gaped incredulously at his superior. "I didn't sign up for babysitting," he hissed.

"And you won't be," the taller man replied. "Just because she still has things to learn doesn't mean that she's dead weight. I'm confident that she won't be a burden."

"No, Erwin," Levi insisted, tightness seeping into his throat, becoming evident in his voice. "I can't be responsible for someone else. Not after..." He stopped, as if the words got stuck in his throat.

However, Levi didn't need to finish. Erwin knew exactly what had happened. He had been there, after all.

His expression softened considerably as he replied, "I understand. However, you cannot avoid that responsibility forever. You have the potential to be a leader here, Levi, and we need you to be one. On top of your fighting skills, you're calm and intelligent, and you're quick at reading a situation. Plus, many of the soldiers already see you as an inspiration. You just need experience, and being in charge of Cadet (l/n) is a good way to get it. This arrangement is as much for your development as it is hers."

Levi glared at his superior, and Erwin held his gaze, unblinking. However, the staring contest was pointless. They both knew who would win in the end – who would always win. Levi had decided that mere minutes after watching his only friends get eaten alive.

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