The guild cheered. (Y/N)'s motivational speech did just as intended, inspiring the adventurers.

(Y/N): "Alright, we need to come up with something as quickly as possible. Kazuma, any ideas?"

Kazuma: "Well, we could have Aqua try to break it's barrier to start. You can do that, right?"

Aqua: "I won't know until I try."

Luna: "You can break it's barrier?!"

Kazuma: "N-no, I was just suggesting-"

Luna: "Even so, could you try?"

Kazuma: "W-we could try it."

(Y/N): "Alright, assuming that Aqua breaks the barrier, we're gonna need some high firepower. Megumin's explosion might not be enough this time. Would waterlogging it work?"

Kazuma: "The rain would've washed it away by now if water affected it like that. It's not worth wasting our time to test the theory, so we need another heavy hitting spell."

As soon as Kazuma finished his sentence, Wiz started to come into view.

Wiz: "Excuse me! I'm the propieter of Wiz's Magic Shop. I'm a registered adventurer, so I've come to help."

(Y/N): "Wiz, you're a damn godsend!"

Wiz: "Wh-what?"

Random Adventurer 1: "With the shopkeeper here..."

Random Adventurer 2: "We have the destitute shopkeeper here! We can totally win!"

(Y/N): "Oi, don't call her destitute. She tries her best."

Kazuma: "How is she so famous anyway?"

Dust: "You haven't heard? She made a name herself as a master Arch Wizard way back when."

(Y/N): 'But she's really a lich. If I take her secret to the grave, I wonder if she'd reanimate me? I'd make Rob Zombie look like a cheap cosplay. Heh, (Y/N) Zombie.'

Kazuma: "Oi, I can tell you're making references by the look on your face. Cut that out."

(Y/N): "And now you sound like my dad."

Luna: "Alright everyone, the emergency quest will begin immediately!"


(Y/N), Megumin, and Wiz were all standing on one of the towns walls, awaiting the approach of the Destroyer.

(Y/N): "It's gonna be closing in soon. I hope you two are ready."

Wiz: "I'll do my best."

Megumin: "I am strong. I am strong."

(Y/N) looked over at Megumin. She was shaking, and gripping her staff tightly.

(Y/N): "Hey, we're gonna be fine."

Megumin: "B-but what if we aren't?! What if the explosions aren't enough, or Aqua can't break the barrier, or-"

Megumin was interrupted by (Y/N) leaning in and kissing her. She was stunned.

Wiz: "Oh my goodness!"

(Y/N): "That ought to put some sense back in ya. The girl I love isn't the type to back down so easily. She's the greatest mage I know, so that Destroyer is fucked six ways from sunday."

Megumin: "But if it doesn't-"

(Y/N): "Look, if worse comes to worst, I'm grabbing you, Kazuma, Darkness, and Aqua, and we're getting the hell out of dodge. This party is the closest thing I've had to family in while, and like hell I'm sacrificing family over buildings."

A Wonderful Adventure For This Metalhead (KonoSuba x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt