Time on the Train

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Jacob's breath became ragged nearing the end of the fight. 15 blighters remained. 29 more had showed up a while after the first party.

Jacob started standing back to back with Y/n. A good method to not get stabbed in the back.

"Good seeing you again Jacob!" Y/n said panting slightly.

"I could say the same," Jacob replied killing a blighter with one last punch to the head.

"Let's hurry this the hell up ok," Y/n said as she put her knife through a blighters chest.

The blighters were  getting tired making them way easier to kill.

Soon 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 2, 0 blighters remained. Y/n put her hands on her knees, "That was one hell of a fight," She panted now sitting down in the pools of bodies and blood.

"At.. least we are alive," Evie said gasping for air, "which by the way what your name we are Evie and Jacob Frye," Evie added.

"I'm Y/n L/n," Y/n said getting back on her feet, "I don't reckon this is the best place to be after this bloodbath," She remarked as she heard whistles in the distance.

"Well if your a fellow assassin, you can come with us we've got a train," Jacob said flinging some blood off his hands.

"Alright then, show me," Y/n said getting closer to Evie and Jacob.

"Alrighty then let's go," Evie said pulling up her hood and climbing up a buildings drainpipe, Jacob and Y/n followed.

There was a series of jumping over buildings, climbing up, and sliding down.

Once they climbed the last building a train went passed Evie and Jacob jumped, Y/n followed. They all landed perfectly on top of the train and slid down.

The walked into a car Y/n took off her hood and cloak and hung them on a hook as Jacob and Evie did the same.

Y/n plopped down on a couch and let loose the braid it was previously in. Jacob sat next to Y/n and Evie went in the seat across.

"That was sure one hell of a fight," Y/n said as she looked at the crusted blood on her hands.

"I must say, that was the longest fight I've ever been through," Evie sighed and put her elbows on her knees.

"We still lived through it," Jacob piped in.

"Just barely," Evie rolled her eyes at Jacob.

"I've seen far worse fights so I'd say that one was long, crazy, but still mostly under control Y/n said.

"Jesus where'd you come from?" Jacob asked running a hand through his hair.

"I come from Germany," Y/n said rubbing her sore back.

"Ay so you're a drinker then," Jacob chuckled.

"I suppose so," Y/n laughed.

"Anyways, why'd you come to London Y/n?" Evie questioned.

"Ah it's a kinda long story but I'm sure I can tell you," Y/n smiled, "I was born in country in the west of Germany, my mother died when I was five due to some sickness. We couldn't afford to pay for medication due to my fathers excessive drinking and gambling. When I was 16 I took some self defense classes for not that much . So when my father was passed out I'd take the money and go. Soon that brought me into taking kitchen knifes and I'd go out and practice. While after that I joined the Creed, they deemed me good enough and they also payed well for some targets so I was able to get money purchase weapons and clothes. After I joined the creed I left my father for good. I became the best in the creed, I dropped off from the main part of it and did my own thing, taking out Templars and doing many normal assassinations. The templars started becoming scarce around Germany and I heard London was completely took over by them so here I am now," Y/n took a deep breath after finishing her story.

"Well I'll be damned!" Jacob sighed as he looked at Y/n

"What the hell happened to you?" Henry's voice said through the side of the train car.

"We had a little fight instead of sneaking," Evie sighed looking at Henry.

"Before I ask how, who is she?" Henry asked pointing to Y/n.

"She Greenie, is Y/n L/n," Jacob said before

"Ah nice to meet you Y/n I am Henry Green and I presume you are with us,"

Y/n simply nodded her head.

Henry sighed, "Let me get you all baths,"

"Take Y/n first she's the bloodiest of us all," Evie said as a grin appeared on her face.

"I am? Oh I suppose I am," Y/n flushed slightly looking at herself.

"Well then come with me," Henry gestured to come with him.

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