Drink With Jacob Frye

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"Here ya go y/n," Henry gestured the the steaming bath with oils and soaps.
"I must say," Y/n sighed, "This is probably the oddest first encounter I've ever had with somebody,"
"Anything to help a fellow assassin," Henry smiled, "Oh and if you need some extra clothing for the time being in that small closet to the right, now I'll leave ya," Henry waved and shut the door.

Y/n started to take off the multiple layers of clothing, all of them had blood on them, a person wouldn't even need to know what had happened, all they'd need to know is that it was brutal with all the blood.

Y/n slipped into the bath almost letting out a moan. It didn't take long for the waters to start changing colors. Y/n washed every inch of of her body and scrubbed her hair until the soap was completely white.

Y/n slipped out of the tub and dried off. She looked into the closets and took a blood red shirt, black pants, and her shoes and lighter cloak that she managed to get all the blood off. Y/n put all of her weapons in place and folded her cloths into a pile, she'd deal with them later. Y/n also did the deed of draining the disco water and cleaning out the tub. Surprisingly it took only 15 minutes to get all that done.

Y/n went back into the train car with Evie and Jacob and sat down where she was before, next to Jacob.

"Well that was quicker than I excepted, but I'm gonna go now this blood cracking on me is very uncomfortable," Evie stated as she got up and left the train car.

Jacob blinked at Y/n, "You surely do look exceptionally clean for being that messy and bloody and that short amount of time," Jacob observed.

"I've learned to be quick with things," Y/n replied tying her hair into a braid.

"Ay why don't I get us a drink for the bloodiest fight eh?" Jacob asked.

"Why the hell not?" Y/n said, she desperately wanted a drink.

"Okay then, you wait here I'll be right back," Jacob said sitting up and going into another train car.

Soon enough Jacob came back with two pints of ale. Jacob handed on to Y/n, "This feels just about the same as luxury," Y/n laughed as she put her feet on the coffee table.

"You can surely say that," Jacob smiled taking a sip from his ale.

"Ya know London and Germany don't have to many differences," Y/n said.

"You're comparing a city to a country?" Jacob half questioned.

Y/n looked at Jacob, "Yea I suppose so, never really thought about it,"

Y/n turned at an angle where Jacob saw the size of her full breasts. Jacob blushed, he hated to admit it, he barely knew Y/n but he was completely in love with her.

Y/n and Jacob spent the rest of their night drinking and talking about their pasts and their favorite weapons, kill techniques, and all. Evie still hadn't emerged from the car leaving Jacob a bloody mess. He didn't seem to care, he was to deep in conversation with Y/n to care.

Evie finally emerged from the car two and a half hours later. She found it bizarre how Y/n was able to do it so efficiently and quickly.

Once Evie came out from the other car and into the other on with Y/n and Jacob she was going to announce she was heading to bed when she saw Y/n asleep on Jacob's shoulder, and Jacob's head tilted back in the chair, it was fairly late so Evie just left them as they were

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