Frye Twins

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      Y/n woke up, her head on the arm of the couch. She freaked out for a moment then remembered where she was. Y/n stretched and let out a yawn.

Her eyes shifted to the dozing Jacob. Dawn was about to break soon.

Y/n got off the couch and entered the train cart where she previously took a bath for her clothes. Instead she found a pile of clean clothes and a letter that said, "For helping us last night I've decided to wash your clothes for you, I supposed it would be an equal task. Anyways this is all I have for you. It's all yours,
Henry Green"
Well that was nice. Y/n slipped our if Evie's clotbes and put on the white button up that had sleeves that rolled to the elbow. Black pants and black boots. She fastened her weapons to her waist with a belt and slipped a dagger in each boot.

She wrote back a simple message, "Thank you Mr. Green I hope to speak with you soon but I have some business in town,
Y/n L/n

She set the not back where Henry had his and jumped out of the train onto the sidewalks of London.

Y/n grabbed the business card from the man Alexander Grahm Bell she met when she first came to London.

Y/n looked over the card's address and went to the place.

Templars roamed all around every street. Definitely infested.

"Good thing I came to London instead of staying in Germany," Y/n muttered as she turned to the alley where Mr. Bell's workshop was.

Y/n knocked on the door. A man popped out. Mr. Bell.

"Ah hello Miss Y/n come in!" Mr. Bell said gesturing for her to come in.

"Thank you Mr. Bell," Y/n said with a quick smile.

"I see you aren't in your assassin's clothes," Mr. Bell remarked.

Y/n let out a heartless laugh, "Yeah, if I were to be wearing them I'd look like I jumped into a pool of blood,"

Bell stiffened at what her heard but asked, "What brings you to me today?"

"I heard you were a good mechanic and such," Y/n said running a hand through her hair.

"I am in fact the best of all London!" Bell boasted.

"Ok, so could you help me.. with a thing to help me get around faster," Y/n said fighting to describe it.

"Oh! I've got something!" Mr. Bell said as he went over to his messy desk and pulled out a gadget.

Bell brought it up to her arms and began adjusting it to her.

"Ah a grappling hook, nice," Y/n mused as the looked it over.

"I helped the Frye twins with that sort of issue a few weeks ago," Mr. Bell said as he gathered some papers from his desk.

"Oh?" Y/n said as she fidgeted with the gadget.

"Mhm it's when they first struck at the blighters.. their first main doing," Bell said.

"Well thank you so much Mr. Bell but I shall be going," Y/n said as she exited the workshop and used her new weapon.

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