Demir Erendil's fan club

Start from the beginning


— Selin, don't try to disguise it. I have two great eyes. The rest may not have noticed it yet, but I did.

— Nil...

Tamam, sessizim. — The doctor surender. — Let's get to what really matters here. Are you ready for a big, really big, challenge?

Evet. — Selin said in complete ecstasy.

— Are you sure? If you are not, we can try something more peaceful.

— I'm sure.

— Since this is the case, Selin Hanım, what do you think about changing your position today and having you sit for a while?


— Do you think you can handle it?

— I'm sure. — Merve said entering the room. — 'm late, sorry.

— You actually arrived at the best time. — Nil informed the colleague. — I was going to ask the nurses for help, but since you're here, we'll do it. Hazır mısınız Selin Hanım?


Nil instructed Merve to stand on the other side of the bed to support Selin's back. Carefully, the physiotherapist uncovered the girl's legs and started moving them toward the edge of the bed. Meanwhile, Merve kept her friend's torso still on the bed.

As soon as Nil managed to put Selin's legs completely aside, she and Merve started to lift the girl's torso. Slowly, they partially rotated her body until it was fully in the same direction as her legs.

At first Selin felt dizzy. If it weren't for Nil's hands on her shoulders preventing her from going forward she would have easily fallen off the bed. She felt her stomach churn and for a moment she thought she was going to throw up all her breakfast.

She was sitting, but she was not able to support her own weight in that position. Without the doctors, she would never be able to do such a thing.

— Are you okay, Selin? — Merve asked at her friend's complete silence.

— Hayır. — Selin informed with a broken voice. — I think I'm going to be sick.

— You are tense, Selin. — Nil said. — Take a deep breath and let it out slowly, you will see how this feeling of sickness will pass.

Selin obeyed the physiotherapist and took a deep breath. After inhaling and exhaling several times, she finally felt better. The dizziness and nausea have decreased dramatically and she can focus better on what they are doing.

— Selin, now I'm going to position your arms at your sides and I want you to try to maintain your torso support. — Warned Nil. — Merve and I will be here to support you if you can't, so don't worry. If you don't make it today, no problem. Do we try again tomorrow, tamam?


Nil took Selin's arms to the side of her body and positioned them so that they were fully stretched out and resting on an open hand against the mattress. She walked away slowly and signaled for Merve to do the same. The two were at a minimum distance from Selin, but that was enough to test the girl's balance and muscle strength.

At first, Selin thought she was going to fall, but it didn't happen. She stayed exactly the way Nil had left her. She felt that her body was tense and knew that it was not the intention, she needed to relax to make the movement more natural, but this could be for the next time.

The feeling of being seated after so long looking at the ceiling was different. Selin risked lifting his head slightly and smiled when he saw the little goldfish circling inside the aquarium. She could spend the rest of her life in that position.

She heard a knock on the bedroom door.


She knew it was him. She couldn't wait to see his reaction when he found her sitting on the edge of the bed. Would he be as excited as she was?

The sound of the door opening reached her ears like music.

— Demir? — Selin shouted excitedly, not risking turning around so as not to lose the little balance she had. — Bak, I'm sitting! By myself! Isn't that awesome?!

She heard footsteps entering the room and approaching the bed. Nil moved away from the bed in silence. Selin was surprised, she usually exchanged some good-natured words with Demir. Merve was also silent, something was happening. The man stopped in front of Selin, forcing her to look up at him.

Selin felt a chill go through her body. This was not Demir.

— Who are you? — Selin asked, trying hard not to sound rude.

— I'm Burak Yangel. — The black-haired man replied. — Your doctor.

Yok... — Selin denied. — You must have been confused. Demir Erendil is my doctor.

— I'm sorry Selin Hanım, but Demir Erendil is no longer part of the clinical staff of this hospital.

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