One- New Neighbors

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midoriya' s p.o.v
*12 years ago*

"momma, what's happening over there?" i asked, pointing out the window. my mom came over from the kitchen, her sunshine yellow apron wrapped around her. she was making cookies, my favorite ones with the M&M's in them. she brought the plate of cookies over, wrapped in a thin clear sheet of cellophane. she peeked out the window to see what i was looking at, her hand rested on top of my fluffy green curls of hair. "those are some new neighbors izuku," she stated, ruffling my hair. "were about to go introduce ourselves. i saw some boxes labeled 'toys' on their front porch, maybe they have a kid your age," she smiled, setting the plate of delicious cookies down on the living room table. pulling off her yellow apron, she sat it on the couch next to her, pulling on her house shoes. "go get your shoes on izuku, we'll go meet them in a few minutes," she exclaimed, shooing me off to my room to get my shoes. i grabbed them, pulling them on with an exasperated sigh. i ran back down stairs, shoes squeaking with each step to greet momma.

"are you ready sweetheart?" she asked me, looking down to see me nodding in response. "new friend?" i asked, pulling on her dark blue skirt. she giggled at my four year old antics. "yes izuku, you may meet a new friend." i was excited for this new addition to my world, not knowing the impacts this would end up having on my entire life. i rushed to the door, mom trailing behind me carrying the plate of M&M cookies behind her. we marched on over to the house next door, the pale blue paint and dark oak wood door greeting us. it was a nice, two story house with a well kept yard and lots of boxes littering the front porch and driveway. i could only imagine what the inside was like. my mom, bless her soul, instantly knocked, thinking she would ask if the neighbors needed any help moving. i, on the other hand, was too busy exploring the open boxes on the front porch to notice when a white haired lady opened the door. "izuku, get over here. you know better than that," she scolded, waving me over. i scurried across the porch, grabbing onto my moms skirt. "hi, may i help you?" the white haired lady asked, looking down at me and back up at my mom. "hello," she started cheerily, "we're your neighbors across the street." momma then proceeded to point at our house. i mirrored her, also pointing with an "our house" to let the lady know that it was, in fact, our house.

"i just thought me and my son, izuku, would come get to know our new neighbors. my names's inko. i couldn't help but notice some of those boxes labeled 'toys'. do you have a kid by chance?" my mom asked, pink cheeked and big smiled. "oh uhm...i haven't even invited you inside," the lady said, "my name is rei, please come in.' she opened the door for us to get by. i followed behind my mom, removing my shoes like my mom had taught me to do any time you visit someone. "i brought cookies," momma said, setting them on the built in counter, removing the cellophane. i snuck up and grabbed one, shoving it in my mouth before my mom could say anything. she didn't seem to notice. "where'd you move from?" my momma asked, sitting on the couch in the living room. the inside was way more organized than the outside. i sat on the ground, playing with my action figure i had brought with me, quietly making crashing and woshing sounds.

"so, do you have any kids of your own?' momma asked. my ears perked up and i listened in at the thought of a new friend. 'i have four, two are grown and out on their own, my second youngest with his dad. it's a little difficult with the two of us, i'm sure you understand." my mom nodded, grabbing a cookie from the platter. "my youngest, he's almost five and he lives with me. just the two of us here." she smiled, making me think she really loves her son. "excuse me..." i spoke up, both rei and my momma looking at me, plopped on the floor, legs sprawled out on the carpet. "can i meet your son?' i asked innocently. rei looked a bit horrified and scared almost. "oh, izuku doesn't have any friends who live in the area and since he's not in school yet, he doesn't have many people to play with besides me and himself. it would be great for them to meet!" my mom chirped in. "sure...uhm...let me go get him,"she said, slowly making her way up the stairs. i thought it was a bit strange since my mom usually called me but i figured this is just how they did things and waited patiently for her and her son to return.

   she walked back downstairs, seemingly by herself. the only thing that gave away a child with her was the squeaking of his shoes on the stairs. she came down, moving over to show her son. he had white and red hair and two different colored eyes, one hazel and one blue. he had a scar on the left side of his face. he looked around at us with wide eyes, my mom with a cheery smile and me, mimicking her. rei leaned down, grabbing his hands and moving her own around. i thought it was weird so i didn't say anything. my mom however, dropped her smile. without warning i ran over and tapped him on the shoulder. he jumped into his moms embrace, hugging tightly onto her loose pants. "hi! i'm izuku! people call me izu though! wanna be friends?" i asked excitedly. he didn't say anything, just stared at me with bewilderment on his face. momma grabbed my shoulders firmly, turning me around so rei could tend to her child who was now on the verge of crying. maybe he was just shy? "mommy what's wrong with him?" she held her hand over her mouth, tears pricking her eyes while the white haired woman hid her child behind her. "honey, he's deaf, he can't hear you," she stated. "what do you mean mom?" i wondered, my voice going low. "it means he can't hear anything," she replied. all i remember after that was running out the front door, my mom profusely apologizing to rei for my behavior until i ran back in with an action figure, my own in my other hand. "miss, will you please tell him to look over, i don't wanna scare him," i said, motioning to her son. "yes, of course. his name is shoto," she said, walking over into his view, moving her hand around in weird positions, then walking him over to me. i waved to him, which he returned with a wave back. i started clashing the two action figures together silently, handing one to him. he seemed to talk with motions so i figured that's a way to get him to understand me without words. i held one out to him and he took it, plopping down on the floor like me, crashing together the action figures in silence.

    "he's never done this before," momma said. rei replied, "this is amazing...shoto's never had a friend before, let alone someone who understands his condition." my mom smiled, picking up another cookie from the platter. "now he does."

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