Chpt. 19

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Qui Gon's POV (3 years later)

"Master Yoda, "I greet the Jedi Master through a comlink.

"Master Jinn," Says Master Yoda, "Here to request another mission, I think."

I smile and shake my head, "No, Master, I just wanted to tell you that Audrey and I will be returning to Coruscant in a few days. The three years are over, and I would like her room to be all set up when we arrive."

Master Yoda nods his understanding, "Tell Master Kenobi, I will. Look forward to seeing you again, I do."

"Me to Master," I answer with a smile.

I glance at the sky, the sun was going to come up soon, and Audrey would come for first meal. I puch in another comlink number and wait for a receiving signal.

"Master?" My old padawan's face shows up in a hologram form.

"Obi-wan," I greet, smiling, " I just wanted to let you know that Audrey and I will be arriving on Coruscant in a few days."

"That's great news!" He says, " I let Anakin know, he'll be so excited."

"See you soon," I say.

"See you soon, Master." Replies Obi-wan and his hologram disappears.

Audrey's POV 

I yawn, sitting up and stretching. I pull on my robes, clip my lightsabers onto my belt, and get out of bed.

"Hey R3!" I say as I see my Astro droid rolling towards me.

She beeps hello.

"Where've you been?" I ask, frowning at the direction she had come from.

"Beep-boop boop." She beeps excitedly.

"You've been preparing the ship?" I say in confusion. "We're probably going on another mission." I shrug, " I'll ask Qui Gon."

I open the door to the dining hall. "Morning," I greet my Master.

"Good Morning," Was his response.

I help myself to some fruit," Are we going on another mission?" I ask, " R3 says she's been preparing the ship."

Qui Gon smiles, " No, we're not going on a mission." He says.

"Then where are we going?" I ask in confusion.

"We'll be reuniting some old friends, or in your case, a friend and a twin."

I gasp, " You mean we're going back to Coruscant!?"

"Yes," Says Qui Gon, smiling at my reaction.

"To continue my training." I confirm, "And to see Anakin."

"Yes," He repeats, " After your meal, you should go pack your things. We'll be leaving in the afternoon."

I smile," Yes Master."

It doesn't take me long to get all of the things I wanted to take with me. My bag is soon neatly packed with my robes, my training saber, a few books, some smooth rocks I had found by the shore, and my moonstone necklace, which I clasp on my neck.

I sling my bag over my shoulder with R3 following me. I drop my bag off on the ship and decide to say goodbye to the place that had been my home for three years.

I walk to the shore and climb my favourite boulder. I've made a lot of good memories here. I thought, it's going to be hard to leave. I visit all of my favourite places. The stream where I liked to meditate by, the forest where I had loved to climb trees, and the Jedi Temple, where I had first connected with the force.

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