CHAPTER12: Emotional Support

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Aric sighed as he pulled up at Reese's house at exactly five thirty, the baby strapped in the back seat of the car. He watched as Reese ran out of his house like it was on fire and entered the car "what's wrong with you?" Aric asked as he pulled out of the driveway analyzing Reese's outfit, he was dressed in a baggy grey tee, blue denim jeans and suspenders with white sneakers, "you don't want to know" said Reese as be brushed his black curls away from his face "so where to?" Aric asked. "The arcade?" said Aric "uh-huh" Reese replied "Adriàn and I went here a lot when my dad died" said Reese as he shoved a token into the slot of the game "okay then let's play" he said.
Surprisingly Aric enjoyed himself. He found himself opening up to Reese telling him things he hadn't even told his mother, he learnt many things about the boy from his jolly,  sarcastic and witty ways to his devious side, they also had a lot in come like the love for action movies and their  secret obessession of romance novel, the Passionate love for marshmallows and chocolate Aric was almost disappointed when he had to drop off the boy.
He sighed as he drove up parked at the street right next to Reese's house if he was being honest with himself he didn't want the boy to leave he enjoyed his company too much Reese must have been feeling the same way because he leaned back on the leather seats he glanced at his phone checking the time it was eight thirty, "walk me to the door?" Reese asked as Aric nodded in reply. "For worth it's worth I had fun today and you're a pretty cool guy" said Reese "yeah, you're pretty cool  well most of time" he said as Reese glared at him jokingly "well see you tomorrow" he said, Reese stood on the porch watching as Aric left before he ran after him "Aric wait!" He yelled before  the boy could enter the car "what the-?" He was cut off by Reese who had wrapped him in a tight hug, Aric hugged him back wrapping his arms around the boy's small waist, they stayed like that enjoying each others warmth, their arms wrapped around each other and their heads resting on the crooks of each other's neck "see you tommorow Aric" said Reese Aric smiled the way he said his name so softly it wasn't dripping with disgust "see you tomorrow Reese" he said as they pulled back Reese's arms resting on his shoulders and Aric's arms around his waist as they stared into each other's eyes piercing emerald meeting sparkling black and then a piercing hunting horn echoed through the street followed by the stench of rotten flesh "crap" Reese muttered, "what's going on?" Aric asked as he held his nose the groans were becoming louder "Aric I need you to go to my house lock the door and don't open it until I call you" Reese instructed "Reese what the-" "don't argue just go!" Reese commanded as a heavy clanking sound echoed through the streets, and the two Draugars faced them "what the hell are those?" Aric asked "just stay behind me I can take care of them" said Reese "are you serious you're literally-" Aric was cut off by a heavy axe zooming towards him, it stopped mid-aor before it could get to him, tendrils of darkness had wrapped themselves around the handle, Reese pulled and then flung the axe so it embedded itself in the head of a Draugar, Aric stared open mouthed, pale and visibly shaking, "Aric stay behind me" said Reese sternly and this time Aric complied.
The second Draugar was bigger, buffer and stronger than the first, it charged for Reese two axes in it's hand it slashed with the first one and Reese raised his hand creating a wall of shadows then made a slashing gesture with his second hand slashing the Draugar in the side with his shadows, the Draugar stumbled backwards and threw it's axe so fast Reese barely had time to dodge it, he did however manage to lessen the impact by knocking the axe side was so it slashed his shoulder and not his head. The druagar regained it's balance and charged in a blur pouncing on Reese and smashing him into one of his neighbor's house (thankfully they had moved out) the wall behind him crumbled before he could recover from the attack the Draugar slammed it's fist into his stomach, he gasped coughing blood, the Draugar raised it's fist to attack again but Reese slammed his hand into the Draugar's chest causing shadows to slam into the Draugar and send it flying, Reese got up shakily on his feet, the Draugar was already up quickly recovering from the previous attack it charged for Reese again but this time Reese was faster, shadows swirled around his fist as he slammed his fist right into the druagar's gut, before it could recover Reese slammed his shadow covered fist into the Draugar again and again and again until the Draugar fell on it knees, and flopped down face first, Reese raised his hand shadows swirling around it as he slashed off the Draugar's head with it. Aric could not believe what he saw, was his schizophrenia getting to him, was he having hallucinations as well as hearing voices if so he definitely needed a much heavier dose of drugs, those monsters that showed up out of nowhere that he still couldn't believe were real and then Reese he- he took them down two of them on his own even though they were way bigger stronger and faster than him, not to mention the fact that shadows seemed to dance and swirl around him,the though he was dreaming as Reese walked towards him, face calm still brushed from dinner and blood staining the corner of his lips "Aric" he began "tell me all of that wasn't real" he said, "Aric" Reese said again his voice softer "tell me that those monsters weren't real, you're completely normal and this is all in my head" he said, Reese flinched at the word 'normal' "Aric let me explain" he said "no! Just tell me this isn't real" he said, "just tell me you didn't just kill those two monsters and you didn't control shadows" said Aric, "Aric please would you just shut the hell up and let me explain!" Reese yelled, "you want to explain why you have freaky powers and why those things attacked us are some kind of alien or something?!" Aric yelled "I'm not freaky and I'm not an alien, I'm a supernatural" Reese replied "a what?!!" Said Aric and before he knew it he passed out

The Dragon's Gem (supernaturals book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant