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**Hello my Satogou shippers! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you get all the love you desire and deserve this year and if not, in later years to come!**

**This was not a request but you guys know the drill anyways, I hope you ALL enjoy the story!**


Today was a very special day for our boys in Vermillion City. Today was none other than Valentine's Day! Satoshi was currently out in town at the shopping area for no particular reason......okay y'all ain't fools! He was obviously searching for something for Goh.

He had what he would call a 'warm and fuzzy curse' that 'struck' him whenever he saw, spoke to, or was around Goh. He wanted to tell him, but didn't know how. And today was the perfect opportunity!

After what had seemed like hours, Satoshi's eyes lit up as he saw a Mew-shaped chocolate box, reminding him of when he first met Goh and how he was a Mew fanatic. He looked back at the day and found it even more adorable every time.

Satoshi prayed to Arceus that he had enough, as he only had $5.50 worth of Pokecoins. Lucky enough, it cost $4.99, so including tax, he had just enough. Yes! Now we know something as simple as getting a Valentine's gift for someone you love isn't so simple. Team Rocket was nearby and spotted Pikachu.

"Nyeh, the twerp is focused on his gift for the other twerp, so this is our chance to snatch Pikachu!"

"Right as always Meowth! Now, if only I could have someone to give me chocolates on Valentine's Day..."


"Let's go get that Pikachu!"


Team Rocket thought for a few and found the perfect opportunity to strike as they followed Satoshi and saw that he was going to the bathroom nearby. This was the perfect time to lure Pikachu and capture him! But with what!?

"Out of all the things we lack, bait!"

"Oh please, get your head out of your butt James! We can use that scrawny chocolate box as bait!"


"Eh shut up...."

Right now, Pikachu was 'guarding' the chocolate box while waiting for Satoshi to return. And by guarding.....I mean staring at all the delicious treats at the bakery nearby, paying no attention to the chocolates what-so-ever.

It took him a minute to realize they were gone. Ooooooh man! What do I do, Satoshi's gonna kill me for this! Then Pikachu remembered his excellent sense of smell, being a Pikachu, so he could just follow its scent.

After about ten minutes of following its scent, Pikachu didn't get anywhere so it decided to head back because Satoshi was probably looking in nearby places for him by now. As he was walking, he spotted something in the air. He just ignored it until he took a second look and found cat ears poking out of the round thing in the sky. Actually using his brain, Pikachu realized that that's the Meowth balloon and Team Rocket was near.

"Pikachu! There you are! Where's the box?" That boy finally found his Pikachu. Pikachu shrugged. "Well, are you at least looking for it?" Pikachu nodded in response. Then he pointed in the sky to the Meowth balloon signaling to Satoshi where the box might have gone. "Team Rocket!? Let's follow them Pikachu!" "Pika!"

"What do you see James?"

"It's the twerp and Pikachu! It looks like they know that we have their precious box."


"Ohohohoho, and why would we do that?"


*insert supa dupa scawy thunderbolt scene*

"We're blasting off again!!!!!"

Sure, Satoshi beat Team Rocket, and pretty quick too, but that wasn't what he was concerned about. The box was gone, probably ruined, and he didn't have enough money to buy another one. He could feel tears swell up in his eyes while Pikachu gave him a pitiful look. He knew he shouldn't have even tried. What was the point? Goh probably didn't like him like that. In fact, nobody did, and nobody ever shou-



Satoshi turned around to find a tanned boy, the same one whom he was attracted to, in front of him hiding something behind his back. "I..wanted to give you something!" Goh exclaimed. Satoshi was confused. What would Goh want to give to him?

"H-Here," Goh said as he held the mystery item while turning his face away so Satoshi wouldn't see the crazy blush on his face. The mystery item? Oh please, you'll find it cheesy! You wanna know, okay fine I'll stop messing with ya.

It was a Pikachu-shaped chocolate box.

Satoshi needed a moment to process this. Why? When? Where? How? What? Satoshi couldn't think anymore, and in the heat of the moment, he pulled Goh into a warm embrace as a thank you, because he was that speechless.

And who knows what they did after that? Several other things could've happened, but for what seemed like forever, Satoshi and Goh held each other close with the sun setting on Valentine's Day. Even if he had nothing in return, Goh reassured Satoshi later that it was the attempt of action that counted.

But it didn't matter at that moment, all that mattered was that they knew the "outskirts" of the other's inner feelings. However, it gets a lot deeper ladies, gentlemen, and my high-class humans, so stick around because you never know what'll happen! 

**So...this took like five days to make- I haven't been motivated but I'll try to pop these out at least once a month but I won't discontinue it. Thanks for your patience and see ya next time!**

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