I had just got off of work not even an hour ago so I was super tired but of course there was shit to do around the house. I couldn't finish taking a nap because the house was a mess, Ava and King had things everywhere.

Dave had asked me to watch Ava for a few hours and of course I didn't mind so he dropped her off not to long ago.

I had just closed my eyes when I was woken up to a loud bang because the kids were doing stuff they knew they weren't supposed to be doing so here I am, cleaning...

There was food left all over the counters, food crumbs all in the creases of the couch, mud shoe prints all over the wooden floors and toys scattered all over.

As soon as I got off of work I thought I could take a quick nap but nope, on top of that Sky showed up on my doorstep with a bouquet of flowers.

"I just came over to apologize." Her eyes roamed my face.

"Now you want to apologize? You stood me up not once but twice this week, you distanced yourself from me and you-"

"I get it, I fucked up and I'm sorry. I should've believed you. I'm sorry that I didn't stood you up after agreeing to meet with you. I didn't know what to do."

I rolled my eyes in frustration. I was annoyed and agitated, it was the last day of my period so my emotions were all over the place. I wanted to cuss her out but then I also wanted hug up on her and cover her face in kisses.

"All you had to do was talk to me but yet you didn't, how are we going to be in a relationship if the first thing you do is distance yourself away from me. Your sister is just one bump in the road, imagine how many more we'll have. You can't just do that." I expressed the way I felt clearly so she'd understand.

"I hear you and again I'm sorry. It won't happen again if give me a chance to make it up to you."

I filled the little laundry detergent cup up and poured the liquid onto the clothes after adding a half of cap full of downy scented laundry beads in as well.

"And how will you do that?" I started the washer and dryer after sliding the now weightless laundry bin in the corner.

"Come to New Orleans with me."

"I can't, I have school and a job-"

"It's only for the weekend."

"What about King then?" I crossed my arms.

"I mean he can come too but I have some things planned and having a kid there-"

"Okay." I walked past her and into the hallway. I peaked into King's room to see him and Ava knocked out. Like always he slept at the end if he bed while she slept at the top.

They had their outside clothes on making the room smell like grass and wet dog. I would wake them up but I decided to let them sleep for a while longer.

"So your really going to come to New Orleans with me?" She asked while entering my room with me.

"I said okay, I'll go with you."


And so I kept my word, when the weekend came around we took an hour long flight to New Orleans.

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