Kahseral X Female Pride Trooper Reader Lemon

Start from the beginning

After five years being in the Pride Troopers, she eventually became a professional veteran of the heroes. Once they realized how amazing she sent criminals in bars and saved many lives from the freezing temperatures, they decided to place her into the veterans group alongside Dypso and Kahseral. A day later, she and Dyspo are dressed up to the black tie party as the annual year for all the Pride Troopers. Dyspo wore his usual yellow suit with a black tie. 

Next to him, (Y/n)-Chan wore her black suit with white shirt, black shoes, and black tie. She stared at him with a frown, "You know a black tie goes best with a black suit instead of this one Dyspo", she said. "I know", he said, blushing, "But this is my lucky suit. I mean all girls would be crazy for looking at this handsome guy and his yellow suit." She smiled and playfully punched his shoulder, "Come on Dyspo, we got to be there", she said.

After they left the tailor shop, they flew from the area down to HQ. Once they arrived, they entered through the lobby: a huge crowd of Pride Trooper members are there having the time of their lives. Dyspo held her hand and guided her through the crowd, eventually made it into a more spacious area; once they got space, both her and Dyspo chatted. Dyspo smiled as he completely noticed how beautiful she looked with her suit and tie. He had a crush on her since the day they met back on her home planet. He does not mind her cold hugs whenever she hugs him; he can tell how much he loves her from staring at her warm smile that makes his heart melt.

But he's not the only one who has eyes for her. Kahseral has been staring at her lately for the past year. When he and (Y/n)-Chan were sent to the coldest planet where women and children were held hostage for ransom, his heart fell for her. Once they arrived at the planet, Kahseral was indeed freezing from the cold. However, despite that she is very flustered when she gets close to him, she embraces him into a huddle, able to warm each other. 

Kahseral was indeed shocked by her action, yet he finds her very kind and caring. Once they made it through the tundra, they arrested the criminal within a quick five minutes, placed him into prison and released the hostages back to their families. Kahseral thanked her for saving his life and asked if he made things awkward for them to speak about that time huddling together.

She was surprised herself that she did it, but she felt no remorse since she needed him to get passed through the frozen tundra. She says it's no trouble at all, even though she was clearly blushing again. Kahseral noticed her blush and he blushed himself. Since that day, he always stares at her every time he's close to her or walks past by each other. 

What made him a little jealous is how close she is to Dyspo. He tries not to let the others know why he's staring at her; the reason is because he finds her very beautiful. He stares back at (Y/n)-Chan, staring at her smile and warm gaze while she chats with Dyspo. His heart thumped, beating faster as he thought of having her by his side. He wanted to avoid a huge crowd, but he had no choice.

Back with the two friends, they laughed as they shared a memory of how Dyspo accidentally made a huge mess at the dining hall and ended up cleaning up for three hours. Dyspo and (Y/n)-Chan laughed; Dyspo smiled, staring at her. He finds her eyes very unique and feels the need to release his feelings to her. (Y/n)-Chan noticed his gaze, "Something wrong Dyspo?", she asked. He blushed and shook his head, "What? No. Um...actually (Y/n)-Chan...I was wondering if....", he stuttered and tried to spill it out. But he was too late as both he and (Y/n)-Chan are interrupted by Kahseral. Once he's behind her, Kahseral clears his voice, "Excuse (Y/n)-Chan, can I speak with you?", he asked.

She spun around and met Kahseral's gaze. She felt her heart thumped and blushing. She nods and smiles, "Sure, what's up?", she said. She was confused about what he wanted. Dyspo is also confused about what his friend wanted to talk about. But his puzzle is solved as he noticed Kahseral's hand held her hand and planted a kiss on it. (Y/n)-Chan gasps lightly and blushes, feeling her heartbeat with a warm feeling. Kahseral looked seriously into her eyes and spoke, "(Y/n)-Chan, ever since last year on our mission on the tundra planet, you saved my life with your warmth. But what made me more attracted to you is your kindness and beauty. I know we haven't met too much but I felt so close to you and I wanted to let you know that I have completely fallen in love with you. Will you...be my girlfriend?"

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