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Hermione and I are sitting at a table, poring over our books. I pick up my highlighter and press it to the pages. Harry, Ron, Fred, and George burst in through the portrait hole. Their noses are red, and they take off their gloves and throw themselves onto couches and armchairs.

"You guys really should be revising," Hermione shoots them a look. "Eliza even made you guys study schedules!" I nod and look at them with a pleading look.

"Winter exams are coming up, and you won't be prepared!" I look in their direction, and Harry looks at me.

"Alright, fine then," Harry stands up and envelopes me in a hug. He kisses my cheek and picks up a paper with 'Harry' written on it in calligraphy. Oops, forgot to tell you about that! Let's go back!
It was a regular Saturday, and we were out in Hogsmede. Harry stops me and pulls the rest of us into the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione and Ron are grinning like they never have before. He asks to have a private word with me and, of course, I say yes. He leaves to get us some Butterbeers, and from across the pub I see Hermione and she winks at me. What is going on?? Harry returns to our table. He hands me the warm mug of Butterbeer and it almost instantly shuts out the cold of fall. The weird feeling in my stomach almost goes away, then I remember the situation.

"Harry, why-" I start, but Harry cuts me off. He looks toward the other two, who are staring at us. I start to feel sick. I look around the pub, as to not let Harry know I'm nervous. Butterflies start rising in my stomach, at the same time the blush rises in my cheeks. I feel a warm touch on my already warm face, and Harry pulls my head towards his. He leans forward and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I pull away, and Harry's face falls when he sees the look on mine.

"Are you alright?" He asks after a moment, pushing my Butterbeer towards me. I catch his hand and hold it.

"No, I just didn't expect that." I smile and Harry lets out a breath that he seems he's been holding in since forever. I look at Hermione and Ron, and their both giving big thumbs up toward our table. I take one last sip of my Butterbeer and grab Harry's arm. The other two follow, and the rest was history.
Anyways, now you know the story, I can continue.

Ron begrudgingly picks up his paper. We all sit down on the couches. We keep studying as the snow falls softly on the windowsill outside. 

At lunch, we all sit down, besides Harry, who accidentally fell asleep on the couch, his head resting on my shoulder. We gently woke him up, and he decided to change out of his sweater for lunch. Ron and I are talking about his revision schedule when Harry comes down the stairs, unknowingly to me. 

"Thanks again for putting in the extra time for the schedule," Ron says. "I've been falling behind, but I'm sure you and Hermione will force me into studying somehow, so I might as well make use of your hard work."

"Really Ron. It's no problem! I enjoy creating and decorating study schedules anyway."I reply.

Ron and I hug, and laugh. He goes back to the table, and I take a look around for Harry. I see him hurrying up the stairs angrily. I follow him, confused. Maybe he had a run-in with Draco and his cronies on the way here? I look around for them, but they are nowhere to be seen. I hurry quietly up the stairs after him. 

When I reach the common room, I see Harry sit in an armchair, holding his forehead in his hand.

"Harry, are you alright?" I ask, inching toward him. 

"I thought you loved me!" he stands up and I see his angry expression. 

"I... I do, Harry, are you okay?"

"I saw you with Ron, and I understand. He's a great guy! I guess I just got the wrong message the other day in Hogsmeade. Maybe that's why your face was-" 

"Harry, slow down. I do love you, I don't know what you mean!"

"No, Eliza. I don't know why you're trying to lie to me, I know that you love Ron and not me."

"Harry, I-"

He walks over to the stairs up to his dormitory and stomps up to his room. I sigh and run to the bathroom.

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