
(Y/N) jolted awake and shot up in bed. He looked all around him, and saw band posters plastered on the walls. His jacket was hung neatly on a closet door, his guitars in their place on wall hangers. He reached down and patted the bed, making sure it was real. When his palm bounced slightly off of the mattress, he realized it was real. He was back in his bedroom on earth.


A muffled voice sounded from downstairs.

Mom: "(Y/N)! I've told you I don't like that type of language in my house!"

(Y/N): "Sorry!" 'No doubt about it, this is my house. There's no way my whole time in that world was a dream...right?'

(Y/N) then had another revelation.

(Y/N): "Mom!"

He bolted down the stairs, skipping the bottom 4 entirely. He sprinted into the kitchen, and saw his mother cooking breakfast for the morning. His eyes watered, and he ran and wrapped her in a tight hug.

(Y/N): "Mom!"

Mom: "Woah! Honey, I appreciate that you're happy to see me, but I have a hot pan very close to your head right now. I'll hug you if you give me enough time to turn off the stove."

(Y/N): "I missed you!"

Mom: "But I just talked to you last night? Is everything alright?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, everything's great actually. Where's dad?"

Mom: "He's already off to work. He took your brother with him, he said he would drop him off at school."

(Y/N): "That's good. When does school start again?"

Mom: "In...10 minutes! Just take these pancakes in the car with you! You'll be late if you don't!"

(Y/N): "Thank you mom! Love you!"

With that, (Y/N) grabbed his keys by the front door, and took a plain pancake into the car with him. For the first time in forever, he drove without music. He was too busy thinking out loud.

(Y/N): "I'm really glad to see mom, but...There's no way all I experienced in that world was a dream. Although that would explain the flying cabbages. What the hell is going on?"

(Y/N) soon arrived at school, parked, and walked in. Everything felt the same, but something was off.


All proceeded as normal, the same boring classes with the same boring teachers. But something really interesting would happen soon. As (Y/N) walked into the cafeteria, he heard hundreds of voices speaking on top of each other. After buying his food, he sat down at an empty table, and started to think. As he ate in silence, someone sat beside him on his right. Soon enough, another came and sat at his left. Soon after, three more people filed into the cafeteria, joining them at the table. His train of thought was broken by someone waving their hand in front of his face. As he moved to see who it was, a pile of junk food cascaded off the top of his head.

(Y/N): "What the hell?"

???: "Took you long enough."

???: "Dammit, I almost had the high score!"

As (Y/N) looked around, he realized he was surrounded by his friends feom the other world. Keith and Dust were on his left and right respectively. Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua were sitting around the table, watching all his moves. He was ecstatic that they were here.

A Wonderful Adventure For This Metalhead (KonoSuba x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now