Chapter 16

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I waited in the desert all night in my tent, washing myself and getting a new change of clothes. It was morning when I felt Imhotep's magical signature, and I went out to the front gate.

I saw a swirling, large sand-devil race over the dunes. The sandy whirlwind comes to a stop and started to dissipate when Evelyn and Beni are suddenly ejected out of it. They land safely in a dune. The sand condenses and forms into Imhotep.

He walks towards me and says, "How did you get here?"

I just gave him a flat look and said, "Does it matter? I am here either way."

He gets into my personal space and says, "You disappeared. Where did you go?"

Intense black eyes looked into eerie green ones. They reminded me of Severus. It made me sad, and I finally said, "I came here and spent the night."

He looks at me for a moment longer, then he looks up into the sky, listening carefully.

I see Evelyn shakes the sand out of her hair and looks at Beni, "What just happened?"

Beni shakes his head and says, "All I remember is him turning into a blast of sand... and then I remember nothing."

Then Eve spots me and she rushes over and wraps her arms around me, "Oh Harri! Where did you... how did you... and now you're here?!"

I smiled and said, "I have magic, Evy. I teleported myself here."

She lets go and looks at me in wonder and said, "You really do... don't you. You and Luna? That's how she knows all those things, right?"

I nodded and said, "Yes."

Suddenly, we hear a plane in the sky. Imhotep looks angry. His jaw unhinges, his mouth opening to an inhuman size and he lets fly with another one of his horrible shrieks. We all watched amazed as the desert below him come alive and rise up towards the plane.

Evelyn looks on in horror and yells, "Stop it! You'll kill them!"

Imhotep grabs her and pulls her close. They were staring into each other's eyes, and then he kisses her, hard.

I looked away, not too sure why I felt a pang of sadness.

Evelyn's eyes widen, stunned and mesmerized, then she pushes herself away and falls back into the sand.

Imhotep laughs and looks over at me. I put on my Pureblood mask and waited. He just swept passed me without a word.

Evelyn, Beni and I follow Imhotep into the underground cemetery. She stops at the sight of all the big hairy rats scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Beni shoves his rifle into her back and pushes her forward.

I immediately whipped out my wand and said, "Levi Corpus." I smiled in pure malice and said, "I warned you.... Filthy rat. Touch her one more time and I will end you. Understand?"

His face was turning red from the gravity and I let the spell go. He fell on his head with a yelp, and I turned toward Eve.

She looked at me in wonder and said, "Wow." I laughed and turned toward Imhotep. He was looking at me in fascination, and I just turned my head, pretending to be bored.

Then, we heard a loud gunshot echo throughout the labyrinth as Imhotep, Evelyn, Beni and I step up to the strange altar.

Imhotep scowls at the sound and angrily reaches into a canopic jar. He pulls out the crusted remains of Anck-su-namun's heart, crushes it to dust in his hand and starts reading from The Book Of The Dead. Then he blows the dust against a mausoleum wall and the wall starts to come alive.

Evelyn and Beni stare at the wall, both of them wide-eyed and I'm not going to lie, I was intrigued by the magic. It was a lot like necromancy.

Two forms emerge from the mausoleum's wall and horrific looking mummified corpses come to stand in front of Imhotep.

Imhotep prepares the altar while speaking in Hebrew.

Beni holds his gun on her, translating, "Prince Imhotep wants your heart."

I looked at Beni with a raised eyebrow and watched Eve stutter, "Tell him, I'm truly flattered... but that it's already taken."

I couldn't help it and I snickered. Imhotep watched this all while still performing his ritual. He continues speaking while laying the four jewel-encrusted canopic jars next to the shattered one.

Beni looks at me frightened while he continues translating, "He wants your heart and your brain, your liver, your kidneys..." Evelyn's eyes widened and mine narrowed, "...and how do you say? Those slimy things, in your stomach?"

Eve gulps in disgust, "Intestines."

Beni thought for a moment and then said, "Oh yes. Those."

Eve then looks furious and turns to Imhotep, "I can't believe it. You want me for my organs?!"

Imhotep looks at her and grins, then backhands her. Evelyn goes down and I growl.

I ran over to her and did a diagnostic. I quickly did some healing spells and her cheek, which was starting to bruise, healed over. I then put her in a stasis, while checking on her brain. I sighed in relief when I found no concussion.

I then looked over at Imhotep while he stares at her, cold and malevolent, then he turns and walks off into the mausoleums.

I made Eve float and walked after him silently.

Beni nervously glances around, then quickly scurries away.

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