Chapter 12

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Everyone was either asleep or almost there, and I watched as Evelyn stole the book from the Egyptologist.

Rick noticed it too and when she went to pass us, said, "That's called stealing you know."

She smiles and sits next to him and says, "According to you and my brother, its called borrowing."

She takes out the key and goes to open the book. I could feel its magic from here, and I was about to open my mouth when I felt someone hold my arm. I look down and notice that Luna is wide awake and shaking her head.

I whisper, "She's going to awaken him, Loons. We can't let that happen."

She looked sad and said, "We must. This needs to happen."

I sighed, and then turned and watched her and Rick.

Rick looked nervous and said, "Are you sure you outta be playin around with that?"

Eve shrugged and said, "Its just a book. No harm ever came from a book."

She opens the book and I could physically feel the magic swirl around. The fire flickers and she and Rick share a nervous look.

She then shakes it off and reads, "Ahm kum Ra. Ahm kum Dei..." and its like she's in a trance. She speaks more Ancient Egyptian. I just shut my eyes, feeling the magic swirl and take hold.

Suddenly, the Egyptologist runs toward her and screams, "No! You must not read from the book!"

But it's too late. I can tell. He skids to a stop as a strange, piercing whine is heard, coming from out in the desert. The Americans all run out of their tents, frightened.

The sound is getting louder and closer, and then from out of the darkness a huge wall of locusts swirl into camp and envelopes everyone. While everyone is distracted, I quickly use magic to gather all our camping equipment and put it on my bracelet.

Rick grabs Eve, and with Jonathan, Luna and I right on his heels, race for the crevice, trying to fend off the horrid vermin as they go. I look back and see Beni and the Americans running for the temple.

We race down the labyrinth, slapping the locusts off us when Jonathan yells, "Did you see that!? Grasshoppers! Billions of grasshoppers!"

Rick looks grim and says, "That's one of the plagues, right? The grasshopper plague?"

Eve scoffs and says, "This is not a plague. It's generational. Every so many years the locusts of Egypt have a population explosion and they all take flight."

Eve steps forward and something squishes. We lower the torch and see thousands of frogs.

Eve looks nervous, and Rick just gives her a flat look, "Okay... and what about frogs?"

Suddenly, the ground starts to shake, and a mound of sand shoots up and when it got tall enough, burst open with hundreds of scarabs. We all scream and run away as fast as we can.

We race up a staircase barely ahead of the mass of scarabs when Rick leaps out onto a pedestal. Jonathan and Luna jump next to him, and Eve and I end up jumping onto a grotto on the other side of a narrow stairway. We all watch as the scarabs chitter past us. Eve and I sigh, and lean against the wall, and before we know what's happening, we fall through.

I stand up first, and help Eve up. We both shake the sand out of our hair, fearfully looking around. It's almost pitch black, and makes me want to get out my wand to use lumos. I still have it in my hand, at the ready. We slowly walk forward, and when we round a corner, we come across a man standing there silently.

Eve looks grateful and says, "Oh thank goodness, you're one of the Americans, aren't you?"

Just as we reach him, he turns around and we both scream. It's the American with the glasses, but he's no longer wearing them. Both his eyes are missing, and he stares at us with blank sockets.

Eve screams louder and backs up, and so do I. We both felt something behind us, and I felt the magic. I was not going to like this. We turn around and Eve screams. It's the mummy, except where his eyes sockets should have been empty, we now see the American's eyes there instead. We back into the wall. Our hair is in disarray, we're both sweaty and gross. Eve's dress is ripped and my robes are in tatters.

The mummy squints as he looks at Eve and says in Ancient Egyptian, "Anck-su-namun?"

Eve looks at me, the looks at the American and whimpers, "Help me..."

Burns opens his mouth but all that comes out is gurgles. His tongue is missing. The mummy grabs him and shoves him to the ground with his skeletal foot on his chest. He then says, "Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun!" (Come with me, my princess, Anck-su-namun).

He then turns to me and takes a long look at me and says, "Ooh-saht?"

Isis huh? I suppose I was immortal. He could probably sense my magic, just as I could his. I could see Eve look at me and I said, "What are you doing?"

He looked at me and said, "I have arisen. I am going to resurrect Anck-su-namun."

I looked at him and said, "Why?"

He looked almost sad and said, "I love her." He then gives me a hard look and said, "We will rule this mortal world together!"

I was sad. This guy really just wanted his lover back? And why did every villain always want to rule the world? It would be absolutely boring!

Before I could get another word in, Rick comes barreling through. He looks relieved to see Eve and says, "Would you quit playin, around! Let's get outta here already!"

He notices that neither Eve or I looked at him, and he followed our eyes. He jumps back in fright yelling, "Woah!"

The mummy then lets out a loud, inhuman shriek, his mouth stretching to an inhuman size, "Anck-s-namuun!"

Eve screams and Rick shudders, then squares his shoulders back and roars back in the mummy's face. If this weren't such a tense moment I would have laughed. The Rick takes out the elephant gun and shoots the mummy, blowing it off his feet, his ribcage torn away.

He then takes Eve's hand and motions to me to follow, and we run.

Harriet Potter in: The Mummyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن