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Angel Diaz
37 years old

"Babe can u go open the door for my little cousin"I said to him since I was in a wheelchair .

Bitch ass nigga almost killed me outside my house he just paralyzed me.So me and fiancé Jayden go get back with at him with the help of my cousin.

"Okay"he said getting up to go do so.

That's when my little cousin came in the house and Jayden came back and sit down.

"Did u meet her Kyrie"I asked him

"Yea I met her at school"he said nodding his head

"She fine asl"he said smirking

"No Kyrie u can't fuck with her like that"I said to him

"And y the hell not"he asked me

"Because of feelings"me and jayden said at the same time

"U go fuck up the plan all u need to get close enough to her so we can kill ha daddy shit we might murk ha ass too"I said

"Okay I got"he said

"Plan in motion when u go back to school on Monday"i said

"We can start tonight"he said

"How"we asked him

"It's a party happening tonight so she might be there"he said shrugging his shoulders

"Cain ain't letting his daughter go to no party nigga"Jayden said laughing

"Right"I said

"No she might be there I'll text y'all if I see her and we can start from there"he said

"Ight but remember don't fuck this up"I said

"I got it damn"he said


Kennedy Amor James
17 years old
"Ken & Amor"

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I accept the call and waited for it to connect.

What u doing

Laying down watching black lightning what u doing


Out where

Meeting this girl

Oh will just call me back bye

I hung before he could say something.I unpaused my show and started watching it.

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