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Kennedy Amor James
17 years old
"Ken & Amor"

"Ken hurry up I still gotta get ready too"kyle said banging on the door

"Go use daddy bathroom i need 15 more minutes"I said while putting my eye lashes on

"U do too fuckin much"he said and he walked away from the door and I shrugged my shoulders.

I listen to summer walker while doing that.I put my lip gloss on and let my comb through my hair.I got on my phone going to snapchat and took some pictures.That's when I go my stuff and left the bathroom to go back to my room.I grabbed my purse and a jacket and got my bag for cheerleading practice.

I got my pencil and binder and left out my room.

"Daddy u gotta pick me from practice today" I said going to make me some oatmeal.

"Text me when practice almost over not when it's over like u did last time"he said that's when his phone had rung

I continued to make my stuff that's when I was done and I went in the refrigerator to get me a little bottle of cranberry juice.

I went to the living room and sat down and started watching t.v while I ate.

"We got 5 minutes so come on let's go 5 minutes I'll leave y'all ass here and u have to walk to school."my daddy said

"Dad gimmie fifteen more minutes"we heard him yell

"For what"my dad yelled back but I was walking past so it was in my ear

"Oww daddy u yelled in my ear"I said holding my ear

"My bad baby girl"he said kissing my forehead and walking away.

I went to go put my bowl in the sink and I drunk the rest of my juice and threw the rest of my juice bottle away.I went back to the living room and sat on the couch and got on my phone.

(_kyri3.):started following you

I went to his page to see who he is but his page was private so I followed him back and he accepted my follow request.


"Ight I'm ready"ky said

"Who was that who followed u"ky asked me bc we logged into each other account.

"Ion was tryna see the same thing"I said

"Lock the door when y'all leave out"he said as he walked out the door.Me and my walked out and ky locked the door and we went to the car.

"Pops when u go teach us how to drive"ky asked

"Soon"he said pulling off

"Yay"I said

"U ain't gotta pick me up Imma ride with jojo"ky said

"Ight just text me if u need anything"he said and his phone started ringing

"Who calling u"we asked at the same time

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