1941, New Jersey.

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I woke up in sudden shock, thinking that I had only spent 1 day in the past and I was already dead and gone. But to my sheer surprise, I found myself in an old fashioned hotel room with bright coloured wall prints barricading me. I stared cluelessly into the room I found myself in, for a couple of minutes. I must’ve made it then ? I thought to myself with a small grin. Before I could admire the room any longer, I was interrupted by a short and sharp knock. Startled by the sudden knock, I subconsciously allowed the knocker to enter the room. A white man strapped with navy braces and a matching tie stepped slowly and cautiously through the door. He also wore a dark grey fedora hat that tipped his gelled back hair, this man was a walking visual of the 40s. I desperately wanted to chuckle to myself, but I had no clue who this man was so I kept a strong and angry face. I braced myself in boxing position, with my fists out just ahead of me. 

The stranger giggled with his hands still in his pockets and his side leaning on the door frame

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The stranger giggled with his hands still in his pockets and his side leaning on the door frame. 

“I ain’t a crumb, I promise” , He proclaimed in the strongest New Jersey accent my ears ever heard. 

Suddenly realising how stupid I looked, I placed my hands down onto my sides and asked calmly.

“What year is it ? where am I? And how did you find me?”

“Woah, woah one question at a time cookie” he responded laughing lightly and sitting opposite on the stool by the vanity mirror.

Cookie ? Who the hell calls someone cookie ? The more I thought about it, the more I began to believe I really was in the 40’s. I attempted to think back on my lessons with dr. Williamson on the language of the ‘past’ and certain slang I need to be prepared for. Cookie was one of them. Cookie was a commonly used term in the 40’s to describe or call a woman that was pretty or attractive.

I felt my cheeks slightly blushing as I remembered.

“Well…” He began.

“I found you lyin’ on the road last night, you looked beaten to pulp. I kinda assumed you were a hooker, but nevertheless I carried you to the nearest motel I found and gotcha cleaned up. You're in Princeton, New Jersey and the year is 1941, August 21st.” He grinned slightly, hoping to comfort me I supposed.

I let the information sink in, my mission had begun and I was going to find the mistake. For my 40’s training, dr.williamson had informed me that right about this time ( maybe a couple months earlier ) the president Franklin D. Roosevelt had given a soon to be famous speech, known as the 4 freedoms. These were freedom of speech, worship, from want and from fear. In the year 1941 all the way to the end of WW2, this had sparked hope and equality to most of the American population and especially the black. However, because of the war many terrible things occurred at this similar time but it could be trusted. Rosamund wanted this to be the first place I searched for the mistake. Not because of the 4 freedoms, but because of the hate that was stirring across the world. The four freedoms had also inspired others to come to North America, And this was my cover story as to why I was here. My plan was to do further, deeper and more realistic research on this time and how it could be a contendant to the mistake.The thing that ended the world. 

I bet he thought I was crazy, lying on the road with blood on my face. But crazy, was better than a spy.

“ You're not from here are you ? You came cause of the 4 freedoms? ”, he questioned  whilst taking a thick cigar out of his pocket . He silently lit it, waiting for my response.

“Yeah, I’m from California…” I sighed.

“Explains the weird accent”, He laughed as he puffed out a thick cloud of smoke.

“I came here to see what's the commotion and maybe make a difference or help” I said, giving him a half smile still staring at the floor, thinking about my future plans.

“How long are you staying?”  he asked with genuine curiosity in his eyes.

“I don’t know…” , I answered truthfully. “A couple of years I guess.”

“ I know a couple of apartments downtown, that would allow you to stay.” the man offered.

Allow me to stay ? I thought to myself.  Surely I would be welcome any- of course ! The thought suddenly hit me, making me realise his slightly secretive intent. People of my colour weren't exactly the most welcomed in the 40’s. This also made me slightly shocked by this man's kindness towards me. 

I quickly thanked him and let him know that that would be beyond amazing.

“What’s your name, may I ask ?”,he chirped, finishing his cigar.

“Ad- Adeline.” I replied, quickly remembering that giving out my real name would not be clever.

“And yours?” ,I asked in the most polite voice I could.

“Robert, Robert Dallaway.” he responded, extending his arm out to me.

I took it with embrace, as we both looked up at each other with smiles of gratitude.

“So…” Robert began, breaking the silence.

“ You should probably get outta here.The hotel manager doesn’t seem to be the nicest.”

 At his command, I hastily picked myself up and started to head for the window.

It was only at this moment , that I had realised what I was wearing. I was wearing a delicate white blouse, with a dark and flowey black skirt swaying before my legs. My black slipper heels only increased my height, and my hair was plaited in a sort of crown braid. I remembered that Dr. Williamson said that when I travel my clothes will change with the time.

“Woah, woah hold on!” Robert exclaimed, grabbing my arm in an attempt to stop me from jumping out of the window.

“It’s fine! I got this.” I said, with too much smugness in my expression.

I made a small run up ad leaped, holding my black skirt within my palms.

I landed safely on my feet, just like training had taught, but soon after I felt myself slightly stumble when I tried to regain my balance.

Robert ran to the window hurriedly, to find me sitting on the road laughing so hard that my eyes began to water. I chuckled lightly with me, and joined me on the road with his briefcase and his stuff. In a decent walking pace,  we made our way to the apartment Robert had told me about, just a couple of roads away from the hotel. We made it to the apartment in a matter of minutes. seeing its bright yellow door and light coloured walls made feel a sense of comfort and safety.

As Robert and I began to walk the steps up to the door, we came to a halt. He slowly placed the cold keys into my hands and said it was no trouble at all. We exchanged goodbyes and I thanked him dearly for the kindness he had shown me in this atmosphere I was clearly lost in. Just as he had begun to walk away and I was steadily placing the keys into the door, I turned around and called to him.

“Robert!” I shouted.

“yes” he answered, squinting his eyes from the burning sun.

“Why are you helping me ?” I questioned in all sincerity.

“Because, Adeline. The worlds a messed up place, you gotta spread a little love.” He replied, as he wore a kind smile upon his tan face.

And that was the last I saw of Robert Dallaway.

Authors note : Just to not get anybody confused, the character Robert Dallaway will not be returning in the story. He was just a character I wanted to quickly introduce to show that not everyone in the 40's were against black people, their were infact some that were fighting for their rights everyday. Robert Dallaway was one of those men. I just wanted to say this because it may be confusing when I introduce the new male character in the coming up chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed

this chapter and to keep voting it means so much !

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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