Why me ?

23 2 7

Before I could muse on the words that fell out of her mouth, my head had collapsed on to the cold marble ground with a loud slap ! causing everything to go black in a matter of seconds.

I don't know how many minutes, hours or days had passed, but I found myself in the medics room with Rosamund standing over my body, wearing a half-hearted smile as my eyes began to open. 

“What happened ?” I asked as I pushed myself up.

“You fainted”, she answered truthfully.

“No, I mean my name being in the chalice” I questioned, still rubbing my head from wear I had fallen. 

“Oh, yes.” Rosamund replied.

“ Everyone knows I’m incapable of managing my emotions, let alone become a traveller. It would just be instant death for me”, I interrupted. 

“ Adira, the chalice never lies. It chose you for a reason.”

“With all due respect Rosa, I’m a mess, I take a pill every time I'm down, which is almost always. I go crazy when anyone mentions my parents. I'm weak mentally and physically. I have a wild temper that needs taming and-”

“ Yes, but you have ambition like no other. You fight for what's right at any cost and have the ability to persuade the tides to turn.”

“ Rosa I can’t-”

“Your training will begin tomorrow with dr. Williamson.” 

As Rosamund left the medic room, I wanted to fight against her statement but

something in her tone suggested that this was not up for debate. so I dropped it and slightly screamed into my pillow. Great! I thought to myself sarcastically. Exercise.

Annoyingly, the next morning came quickly. And before I knew it, I was standing outside dr. williamsons gym room with a bag of weights, water and towels hunched over my shoulders. Before I could even get the chance to knock on the door, it was flung open to reveal a man sitting at the back of an empty, urban looking room on a wooden chair. He held a golden baton in his hand, and one of his legs were crossed over his knee. He had this strange sense of calm about him, as if he had seen 7 million wars and survived every single one without effort. He had dark brown hair that was attached to his slightly pale face, connected to his piercing blue eyes that could be spotted from a mile away. He wore a black fleece that reached the tip of his neck and wore navy trousers but no shoes… 

He made a signal with his fingers, indicating that I could come in. And as I did dr. Williamson’s first words to me were released, “take the baton out of my hand”, he said. I stared at him with sheer confusion for a solid 10 seconds. I hadn't even introduced myself and this man was already asking me to do him favours. However, in the nicest way possible i replied, 

“ I’m sorry what ?”

“Take the baton out of my hand”, he repeated in the most calm voice that was beginning to enrage me.

Not wanting to make a bad impression, I went to reach for the baton, not even dropping my stuff. As I did so, dr. Williamson effortlessly grabbed my wrist, flung me over his shoulders allowing my back to slap the floor and held my neck in a headlock position. I was left in utter shock and said nothing but an “ow”. He picked himself up as if nothing had just occurred and in a monotone voice said,

“We have a lot of work to do”


My first day of training went rather quickly, but it made my body ache like a bitch. It wasn't fun. 

Dr.Williamson, obviously sensing my pain, questioned, “Is there anything we can do to make our sessions more…enjoyable. Since they will be occurring for 6 months ?” 

The thought had only just sunken in. 6 months of this could be hell, I thought to myself. So I said the first thing that came to my mind, as I always do.

“ I don't know, some music I guess”, I chuckled to myself as I packed away my weights and towels. 

With more enthusiasm than I expected he replied with,

“Ok, music it is then. Bring your boombox to our next training.” He grinned ever so slightly and turned around to leave the room. Leaving me panting with trickles of sweat down my face, and my gym bag latched over my shoulder. I smiled to myself, beginning to feel just a bit more excited about my training. 


I woke up the next morning with a smug look on my face, pacing towards the gym with my boombox in my clutches. Without even having to knock, dr. williamson’s door opened before to reveal him sitting in the same position as the previous training. With his leg crossed over his knee, sitting calmly on a wooden chair and golden baton gripped in his hand. He didn't say anything, just smirked and waited a while until he stated,

“ Let’s begin.”

We trained for hours and hours, playing different tracks everyday as if it were a routine. Mondays were back in black by AC/DC, Tuesdays were Another one bites the dust by Queen and Wednesdays were highway to hell by AC/DC. Thursdays were made for lovin’ you by Kiss, Fridays were come as you are by Nirvana and Saturdays were might bang, might not by little simz ( for extra motivation). We would play these tunes on repeat, and he was right, it did make training far more enjoyable. Sundays were my only days off, where I was allowed to relax and think about Mondays training. 

This weekly rhythmic routine occurred for 6 months. Everyday I would learn to fight, how to escape, how to think with speed and how to survive. It got very monotonous at times, but I knew it was What i had to do if I wanted to stand a chance out in the ‘past’. However, training did have its perks. I noticed training was beginning to tone my body more, earning me long stares. People began to respect me more, and not see me as the girl that used to live off drugs. It was all fun and games, until I knew my time preparing for the mission was coming to an end.

August 20th 2051 was the day I travelled back in time. To the 40’s. Atlantic city, new jersey.
- 1943 baby.

authors note : All the songs mentioned in this chapter and the rest of this book can be found in my spotify playlist, nine lives movie. my spotify is : lauraizanuria
In some of the chapters,  I will name the song that describes the chapter to set the mood. Just in case anybody wants to listen to the music and read. anywayyy hope you enjoyed this !

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