A Losing Battle

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"Watch your back boy! You, behind the rocks, put that damn crossbow to use! What the hell are you two doing!? Stop hiding and get out there and fight!" The war, it's at an arms race. As we grow closer to the end, the enemy puts up an even harder fight. Looking at it now, when it first began it seemed for every soldier they had, we had ten. Now, for every soldier we have it looks as though they have twenty. Every time I turn around, I see another man fall. I do my best to make up for that by cutting through their ranks, but it's not enough anymore. We're fighting a losing war. I made a promise. To never back down, and defend all of these men with my life. I plan on keeping that promise until I fall. So many died for me, it's only right that I do the same for them. I fought until I ran out of energy to pick up my sword. Then, I used my voice until I couldn't scream. After I couldn't do that, I jumped on a horse and trampled the enemy. We were running out of food, weapons, men. We were running out of everything, and yet these men kept on fighting. I asked a soldier why they don't stop. "When you put your heart into something and make a promise, you don't just keep your promise to the person or place. You make a promise to yourself and when you try to stop, you feel this tugging from inside your chest. Your heart says no. No matter the odds, you made a promise to your heart. We would rather die, then to turn our backs on this. Because, we'd be turning our backs on ourselves and telling ourselves that maybe were just not strong enough, and we're weak.. From all my years living in Skyrim, I've learned something. The children of Skyrim are not weak, we are the strongest and we will never back down."

A Life In The World Of Skyrim: BattleBornМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя