Put it back

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Eren restlessly laid in his bed, his mind moving a million miles a second. He didn't have any strong connections to the Survey Corps, but there was something that still interested him and, in this case, concerned him immensely. Afterall he was technically a member, his friends and who he considered his family were too. His life has always surrounded around the Survey Corps. Maybe that's why be began to lose interest in the fight, part of him felt guilty for that, most likely that's why he felt so worried now. They were all vulnerable, prey being hunted, the Titans could strike at any moment, killing them in seconds. Eren felt himself shake under the covers; skin covered itself in goosebumps. Blankets flew off Erens body as he got up in a frenzy. Quickly he moved to yank open his window. Fresh air blew in his face as he rested his arms against the window frame, slouching over in exhaustion. He was so tired. Breathing deeply, the brisk air filled his lungs. Closing his eyes, he tried to take himself to his happy place, but he couldn't remember a time when he had one. Closing his eyes harder brought the imagine of the blonde, "Armin...", his head took him to Armin's flat, imagining the pale boy baking, looking over the skyline. A soft warmth filled Erens body as he relaxed himself over the windowsill. Sliding down the wall in exhaustion, he fell into a restless sleep.

Frantically Armin woke up remembering his plans for the day. In the moment, he hadn't thought of him actually having to consume anything, but upon second thought he realized Eren might question him, especially considering the events of the day prior. Sitting up in his bed, Armin took a couple of deep breaths, "one black coffee should be fine". He reassured himself before getting out of his bed, walking to his closet. The clothes stood neatly hanging, all color coordinated. Soft colors filled Armin's sight as he delicately picked out a pair of light blue jeans in a similar fashion to what he wore yesterday. A pale green crew neck found itself over his chest, layered on top of a tight white turtleneck, neck adorned with a thin gold chain. Standing satisfied in his mirror, Armin smiled. He hadn't known why he was dressing to impress, but he was satisfied nonetheless. Armin moved around his house, brushing his teeth, cleaning up, getting ready for the day in general. A substantial amount of time passed before Armin thought to check his phone. His frail hands moved over the cold surface lighting tapping the screen. "10:07...Eren should be here by now", he hummed to himself in confusion contemplating sending a text. "What if something happened...I barely know him, why does it matter so much...it's the nice thing to do...I'll text him."

Armin -10:09-

are we still on for coffee?

Impatiently, Armin tapped on his screen.

Eren woke up to a soft light coming through his ajar window. The chill of the wood floor sent shivers down his spine. Confused, he stood up, body aching from the way he slept against the wall. Groggily he tried to remember his plans for the day "...Armin...coffee...coffee with Armin at 10", as Eren remembered his arrangements he slid across the paneled floor leaping for his phone. "10:12, shit he's gonna hate me"

Eren -10:12-

fuck armin im so sorry

i woke up late

ill be over in 30

A sense of relief filled Armin. He breathed out realizing he had been holding his breath in anticipation. Armin flopped back on his bed, scrolling through Instagram waiting out the 30 minutes. About 20 minutes in, loud knocking brought him off his bed and opening his door. Upon opening the door, Armin revealed a seemingly disheveled Eren. He wore baggy black jeans with rips at the knees and an oversized navy crew neck. A silver chain hung from his neck; hands once again decorated with rings.

"I'm-I'm so sorry I'm late", Eren sounded out of breath, "I fell asleep on my floor and forgot to set an alarm" Eren sheepishly scratched the back of his head as he admitted to his tardiness.

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