Chapter 1

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Lucy looks down at the photograph in her hand and confidently strides towards the plane infront of her. She saw the team leave twenty minutes ago and knows only Jemma and Leo were left behind. She sneaks around to the side of the plane and spots the cargo hold. Using one of her homemade gadgets she opens the cargo hold and climbs inside.

Once inside she creeps through the plane careful not to draw Jemma and Leo's attention. She stops outside the honeycomb prison cell before unlocking it and entering. She sits on the edge of the bed and waits.

When Lucy hears commotion outside she knows that the team has arrived. She hopes that it isn't too long before they discover her.

After half an hour Lucy gets restless and decides to tip them off. She pulls out her ipad and hacks into the planes computers. She brings up the security feed for her cell and makes sure it is showing on all the planes computers.

Skye was walking to the kitchen when she spots the image projected onto the screen. She races into Coulson's office to deliver the news.

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