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hyunjin tossed the spare key up and down, catching it and repeating until he finally spotted the two sitting outside of the dorm room.

minho had fallen asleep, his cheeks still blushing red from the alcohol, and jisung had unconsciously fallen asleep too, leaning his head onto minho's. he shook his head, chuckling at the two.

he tapped jisung on the shoulder to wake him up. "excuse me love-birds, do you want this door open or not?" he laughed. "yes please," jisung said, before realizing how close him and minho were, quickly moving to increase the gap a little, avoiding looking at the elder.

hyunjin laughed, slotting the key into the keyhole, twisting the key to realize that the door was never locked in the first place.

"sung?" hyunjin started. "hm?" "where did you say minho hyung left his keys again?"

jisung tilted his head in confusion. "in the dorm rooms? why?" hyunjin sighed, flicking jisung on the head lightly. "ouch! what was that for?"

"you dummy. you cant lock the door if the keys are inside, the door was never locked in the first place," he twisted the doorknob to open the door, face-palming himself. "o-oh."

"so i just wasted ten minutes of lunch break, only for you to realize that you had been sitting here for two hours waiting for me to come open the door that was already open?" "oops."

"i'll get going first, this stomach needs food," hyunjin sighed, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and walking away, waving to the two.

jisung looked over his shoulder to look at the elder, chuckling at how his cheeks were tinted a bright shade of red. "let's go in min," he helped the elder stand up, dragging him into the dorm room that reeked of alcohol.

"jesus, how much alcohol have you been drinking min?" he sighed, helping the elder get to his bed and tucking him in, allowing him to take his well deserved nap.

just then, minho's phone buzzed. the brunette couldn't help but peek at the notification since the elder's phone was already unlocked, seeing that it was a message from hyunjin.

drama llama
oh my god minho hyung
you and jisung better solve
things or i'm coming for you–

2:15 pm

you and jisung both owe me
food for wasting ten minutes
of my lunch time
i didn't have any time left
to eat 😭😭😭😭

3racha simp
excuse me???

drama llama
i thought you were drunk–

3racha simp
i'm ji
nice chat name min has there
i approve 👌👌👌

drama llama
mmm anyways
click into your own chat friend
youll thank me later ;)

3racha simp
why– 👁👄👁

drama llama
you'll see...

3racha simp
i am: scared 😺

drama llama
just click in :)

3racha simp
okay? ...

jisung was puzzled. he clicked out of hyunjin's chat and scrolled through the many unread chats the elder had in his phone.

he smiled upon recognizing his own account, recalling the precious memories he had of texting the elder. before and after they even met each other, every single one of their conversations were precious to jisung.

15/12/20, 3:25 pm

it's been almost half an hour minho
never mind
should've known you had nothing
to say
stop bringing my hopes up you asshat

quokkasung has blocked leethink

i really like you sung like
A LOT and i cant even try to
argue that i don't anymore
because i've really come to like
you so much and i'm not just
saying this to get you to like me
back or anything, i just hope you
know how much you mean to me
through this. i wouldve planned for
a more proper confession but i just
hope that you feel better soon. you
mean the whole universe to me
sungie and youre literally
everything. no bully will convince
me otherwise. i really hope that
you feel better soon (: always
remember that i love and
appreciate you okay sung?
ilysm x
message not delivered.

oh fuck
message not delivered.

jisung's jaw dropped as he read the long paragraph of text and a tear unconsciously rolled down his puffed up cheeks.

a wave of guilt immediately washed over him for always acting defensively. he could only imagine how frustrated minho was that his confession couldn't send, or that his words couldn't cheer the younger up when all minho had cared about was him and not himself. minho had mustered up the courage to send that text, but in the end, jisung didn't see it anyway.

he looked over at minho who was mumbling incoherent words in his sleep, smiling slightly. "i-i like you too min. i'm sorry i blocked you before you could even say anything..."

a/n ::
maniac soty >:) how are all of you doing? i hope you're taking good care of yourselves and i'm proud of you for coming this far 🤍

remember to take adequate breaks and get plenty of rest to recharge and take on the day! i'm sure you can do it~ (:

thank you for reading thus far besties & ily <3

IDENTITY | minsungМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя