But the joke was on me because it was just Damon being a dick. Typical.

The point is, I loved you and I still do for some god awful reason even though you never came.

I just want you to know that I forgive you because I know you had your own demons to deal with. I want you to know that I understand why you left me even if a selfish part of me expected you to stay and be mine.

I guess one of the most heartbreaking things in my life would be that we didn't get a proper chance to figure things out or to even say goodbye. But I think I'm ready to finally move on from everything and start living.

How is Hope? I've heard great things about her. You must be proud. I hope I can meet her someday. No pun intended.

And this girl, Aliza. I also hope she accepts you and your family for whatever reason you care about her. She is pretty fun to be around.

Is Klaus still mad at me? Cause if he is, tell him that I forgive him too.

Tell him that he could never break me.

Tell him I won.



Elijah closed his eyes, the tears dripping down on the page, making the letters blurry. His heart clenched and he gasped, gripping the edge of the table with his hand. He couldn't decide what to feel in that moment other than guilt and pain. Elijah couldn't help but hate himself.

It was all his fault. He wasn't strong enough to protect the people that he loved. He failed everyone. His brothers, his sisters, Katherine, Hope, Aliza, Tatia.

Elijah failed them all.


"Can I talk to her?"

Rebekah wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand and said, "I don't think that's a good idea, Freya." Rome had strictly told everyone to not talk to Aliza or disturb her in any way.

Enzo reached out and squeezed her hand, rubbing his thumb soothingly against her knuckles. He sat there beside her on the bed with his other hand wrapped around her shoulders. Rebekah was grateful for his presence and the comfort he was providing her.

"What happened?" Marcel's voice was audible.

"She came back," Rebekah explained. She sniffed before continuing, "Rome asked her about the wound on her finger. She told us that she gave Katherine her blood."

"Katherine?" Camille asked, "As in Katherine Pierce?"

"Yeah," She confirmed, "Klaus was mad but then Kol just threw the truth in her face."

"And then?"

"Aliza had a panic attack. She thought we were going to lock her in a coffin and kill her."

"Oh god,"

"What now?" Camille asked.

"Aliza wants to leave. She doesn't want anything to do with us." Rebekah answered with a heavy heart, more tears falling from her eyes.

"That's it," Enzo said, taking the phone from her hands, "I'll talk, you need to rest."

Rebekah was about to protest but Enzo shook his head, allowing no room for arguments. He got up and gently pushed her to lay down.

He pressed a light kiss on her forehead and murmured, "I'll be back."

Enzo walked out of the room with the phone in his hands. He shut the door behind, the soft click echoing down the hallway.

"How is everyone?" Freya asked, holding herself together.

"Rome is talking to Mithila, Vincent is very angry, I don't give a dime about Kol or Klaus for that matter, Rebekah is crying her eyes out, Elijah is brooding in silence,"


"You have to give her time, Freya," Enzo said. He sighed before he continued, "She is just a little girl and all this is taking a toll on her mentally. I highly doubt trying to convince her will do you any good."

"He's right," Camille agreed, "We can't just force her to stay."


Henrik's head snapped when the door creaked as Kol pushed it and stepped inside. It was almost midnight and since everyone were in their rooms, he wasn't expecting his brother to be here.

He watched as Kol made his way towards the bed with a soft look and warmth in his eyes.

Kol sat on the bed and gazed at Aliza's sleeping face. Henrik's heart ached when Kol stroked Aliza's hair and gently ran his thumb under her swollen eye.

"I'm so sorry, darling," Kol said, his voice low and heavy.

"Why brother?" Henrik asked, even though Kol couldn't hear or see him, he took a step forward.

"But I can't let this happen to you." He continued, "You deserve better, and being a Mikaelson will bring you nothing but pain."

Henrik sobbed while his brother patted Aliza's forehead with a remorseful smile.

Kol sighed, this was harder than he thought. He hated himself for hurting Aliza like this but it was the only way he could get her away from them.

Reasoning with his siblings would be nothing but a waste of time so he decided to take matters into his hands. His heart broke when he saw the hurt in Aliza's eyes when he declared the truth.

His gaze shifted to the nightstand and he frowned when a paper caught his attention.

Kol picked the sheet and turned it to look at what was on the other side.

He gasped when he saw the smiling face of Hope as she stood between her parents, beaming at him with Elijah and Rebekah beside Hayley, and Kol and Freya beside Klaus.

All of them were smiling with such happiness that a lump formed in Kol's throat.

Kol teared up when he read the words written below.

They miss you too.


Now we have Kol's perspective in place too. I guess this is something Kol would do because tbh he's the only one in the family with a functioning brain.

He was so underused by his siblings and also by the writers. I mean they showed him traveling around the world to learn about magic but then never really gave him a proper chance to showcase his knowledge? What?

There will be less humor in the further chapters which I think is a given considering the turn of events.

Do share your thoughts with me and don't forget to vote!

Edit: I totally forgot about Keelin like the one gay couple that CW left alone and didn't show one of them going to super hell. Geez, guess I'll have to include her in the next chapter

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