Number One Fan! Interview with Munni101

Start from the beginning

3.            How do your family react to your writing and how does that make you feel?

How does my family react to my writing... well, the thing is, I have always always always been writing, so it's just part of everyday life at this point, so I wouldn't be able to answer that question! They would tell me to get off the laptop a fair bit of the time, but do I ever listen? ... Does this answer the question? :P

4.            What are you planning to do with your life when you finish school?

The answer to this question I quite wonder myself! My career choices differ monthly, if I am being honest. It has gone from environmentalist, to marine biologist (although I am physically unable to swim), to archaeologist (I hate history), full time author, geologist, teacher, university lecturer, biomedic, and most recently, child psychologist! I think I shall hold onto this one, actually! For years when I was younger, my answer would always have been doctor, the reason being that I liked "squishy" things! Now that I am older and much more mature (ahem), I have realised that I do not particularly enjoy the concept of cutting people open! So FAIL on my account there.

5.            What is your most favorite thing to eat in the entire world?

Food! You of all people had to talk to me about food! This one changes all the time, just like all of my other 'favourites'. At the moment, I would say chocolate cake, for the simple reason that we made one today in Home Ec! A scrumptious, rich, chocolate cake with a chocolate and cream filled ganache smeared through the middle, sandwiching two cakes together. Imagine the taste of the divine delicacy melting in your mouth, and the flavours intermingling into a delightful blend.... Yum! Although we did put about ½ kilo chocolate into it! :D

6.            What is your favorite song?

Favourite song? This is like favourite food all over again! Right now Taylor Swift is floating my boat. Her new album, 'Speak Now' is amazing and it's nice to know she's steering away from all that country! Sometimes, some of her old stuff is way too country for my liking! Specific songs change day-to-day, and for today and this interview, I shall say "Written In The Stars" by Tinie Tempah! (although it has nothing to do with Speak Now) See how easy these things change?

7.            When did you start writing and what made you decide to try?

The first time I really wrote for someone else was once I got my eye on Wattpad. Within three days of finding the website, I made my account (which is different to this one) and I was up and writing a new story by the end of the week. I was really anxious to get reads and comments to see what other people had to say about my writing since I had never gotten feedback as a writer of a book, but rather feedback with essays and specifically school related work. It was really interesting because people who were in the age group your story was aimed at would be the ones giving feedback, and personally, I find those words more valuable than a teacher's commentary. I had just turned fifteen at the time, (in fact I had made my account the day before my birthday!) and the story I was determined to finish was a fantasy, about a girl finding this completely new world, which she was the leader of. Summer had just begun, and my Junior Cert exams (O levels) had just finished, so it was a great way to have fun! Although it wasn't the most original story, knowing that people were out there to read my works gave me the drive to go and write the best as I possibly could, and I don't think any assignment from a teacher will ever have the same effect! I admit, that story was a fail in the end, and I deleted that account, but it's made me determined to never leave my writing again.

8.            What was the first thing you wrote and where is that story now?

The first thing I wrote was in second class when I was seven years old. In England, it would be Year 3 and you may all make your equivalent that way! I honestly can't remember why I wrote it, it was to test our typing skills on the class computer, I think. It was called 'Emily's Brother', about a girl called Emily, who obviously had a brother, called Connor, and about their life! In this short story of about two hundred words, Emily becomes president, Connor goes to uni at age 13, and their parents die, which Emily was quite sad about. I still actually have the typed version at home right now, in a folder containing all of our summer reports etc. It even has an imprint of my foot in 1999! Oh what small feet I had...

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