xii. tears and fears

Start from the beginning

Kota shook her head, not necessarily at Titus, but at herself. Her reasoning for meeting him in the sacred room wasn't so that she could let her emotions get the best of her. No, it was because she wasn't going to let Lexa's teachings go to waste.

She wasn't going to cower away from her responsibilities and what was expected of her. All of her life she wanted to prove herself, and even though Lexa told her that she already had time and time again, becoming the next Commander just seemed like the final step.

Of course, the idea of becoming Heda still made her feel uncomfortable, like she was unworthy of such a title. However, no matter what they called her, she knew that her duty was to protect her people. It was in her blood afterall. Plus, she knew that their best chance at protecting Skaikru was if she carried the flame. She did trust Aden, but in the end she felt that he was just a boy. Kota saw what Lexa was like after having her childhood stolen away from her in order to become a ruler, and she didn't want that for the Aden.

However, if Aden wasn't the one to ascend, she knew who would be. Ontari had been plotting on the throne ever since the Ice Queen last walked around Polis. When Azgeda were to gain the knowledge that her sister was dead, she knew that Ontari would put herself in the conclave and win, no matter what she did to come out victorious.

Dakota could not let that happen, so she vowed to protect the flame until a better fit Commander could carry it. If that meant carrying it herself, then so be it. However, before she would have to succumb to those measures, she had one more idea. It involved a person that Lincoln had told her about many months ago.

"Never-mind what we had been discussing." Kota quickly dismissed the previous conversation, finally gaining her composure once more. "The reason I came down here, was because I need you to tell me everything you know about the eighth novitiate that was in my sister's class during her own conclave."

Dakota's words confused Titus at first, but he soon caught on to what she was getting at. He nodded his head, and placed the flame in a locket, before resting it in the young girl's hands.

"Her name is Luna." He began.

(end of flashback)

"Wait, the eighth circle." Clarke realized, after hearing Titus retell the conversation he had with Kota earlier that day. "Lexa had markings on her back for every life she took at her conclave. Seven circles. Only Kota's right, Lexa told me that there were eight novitiates in her class. What did happen to number eight? There's another Natblida, isn't there?"

"Yes." Titus admitted. "But she fled. She's a coward and a traitor to the blood. Lexa refused to let me hunt her down. She's unworthy of the flame, which s what I already told Kota when she asked about her.

"So what happened then?"

"Kota made a valid point that Ontari is even more unworthy. So, I gave Kota the flame because she said that Lincoln told her where Luna is residing. Her plan is to present the flame to Luna upon finding her, but even I know that Luna won't accept it. Which is why I'm hoping that during the journey, Kota will realize that the only true person to carry the spirit of the Commanders is none other than herself."

Clarke nodded in agreement, but before she could respond, muffled shouting could be heard outside, resulting in Murphy tumbling down the stairs and into the threshold.

"Arghh!" He grunted, clutching his arm in pain. "...Ontari's here."

At that, Titus quickly ordered Clarke to hide, and she did so just in time before Ontari came barging into the room.

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